Chapter 8

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"Ok, I'm officially whelmed," the thirteen-year-old said when the doors of the room she was hacking finally opened.

The room was filled with creatures encased in glass pods. The creatures looked nothing like they have ever seen before, they all looked like they came from the same origin from the creatures from a while ago but definitely different.

The three of them walked into the room, shocked at what they were seeing. The creatures looked similar to a flying insect but this time it was bigger. What was weird though was that the creatures weren't moving at all and looked like they were all giving off electricity.

" This is how they hid this massive underground facility From the world," Kid Flash realized. "The real Cadmus isn't on the grid. It generates its own power with these things. Must be what they're bred for."

"Of course! Even the name is a clue," Aqualad supplied. "The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragons' Teeth into the earth."

"And this Cadmus creates new life too, let's find out why," Robin added as she knelt down and plugged her holo-glove into one of the machines.

"They call them 'genomorphs'," the hacker read as she quickly read the date that was being downloaded into her holo-glove. Better safe than sorry. "Whoa! Look at the stats on these things--superstrength, telepathy, razor claws. These are living weapons!"

'With creatures like these, they could throw the whole world into chaos,' the girl thought to herself. 'An unstoppable army that even the League will have a hard time to defeat, especially if these were produced in mass numbers.'

"They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid Flash voiced her thoughts aloud as he stood by her side reading what was on her screen as well.

Suddenly a new folder appeared at the corner of her screen. "Wait. There's something else. Project Kr. Ugh! The file's triple-encrypted. I can't--"

She was suddenly cut off by a voice behind them.

"Don't move!"

The trio instantly turned to see a man in gold and gray armor and had a small genomorph like what they saw earlier on top of the large elephant-like creature. Five other genomorphs that looked like the adult version of the smaller one on the man's shoulder.

Both Kid Flash and Aqualad instinctively stepped in front of Robin to block her from view but it was fruitless since the man still saw the young girl who was still crouched on the ground. However, Robin was only able to see a glimpse of the man before the two covered her from view.

"Wait. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash?" the man said realizing who the trespassers were.

"At least he got your name right," Robin smirked as she focused again on her holo-glove, she knew that both Aqualad and Kid Flash had here back right now and she was sure that if things would go wrong she could just eject her holo-glove and escape with the two easily.

"I know you," Aqualad said, finally realizing why the man looked familiar. "Guardian, a hero."

"I do my best," the man now known as Guardian shrugged off the compliment but Robin, on the other hand, tried to remember all that she could remember about him.

Jim Harper, a policeman that became a vigilante in Metropolis. Took up the alias Guardian and caught criminals and wanted to guard society. He was often blinded to his want to end fights in

a peaceful manner. Went missing a year ago.

"Then what are you doing here?" Kid Flash asked with anger in his tone. He couldn't believe that a hero like them was helping CADMUS breed creatures that can be used for mass destructions.

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