Chapter 4

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Once Dixie felt the elevator stopped, the doors instantly opened and the nine-year-old saw a massive cave filled with state of the art technology and several floors and catwalks.

There was a huge supercomputer in the cave's centerpiece with a huge office chair in front of it. There was a tunnel on the bottom floor with a bunch of vehicles. From where the nine-year-old girl was standing, she could also see a medical bed and some medical equipment in an open room. There were also a bunch of glass cases that held... suits? inside.

What caught her attention though was the huge things in the cave. There was a giant animatronic T-rex, a giant replica of a Lincoln penny and an oversized Joker playing card. The nine-year-old was pretty sure that if she made one wrong move, she was going to die right there at that very moment.

All of a sudden, a hand was placed on her shoulder, making the nine-year-old scream and jump away. She turned to see Alfred standing there with a blank expression.

"A-Alfred?!" The young girl screamed in shock.

"What are you doing here Miss Rachelle? You're supposed to be in bed an hour ago," the butler said, his face still devoid of emotions.

Dixie started squirming under his stare. This was worse than the times Jason or Damian would fight with each other. Way worse.

"U-uh, I was just looking for Tim or the others but their rooms were empty so went to look for you. I saw you go through this elevator hidden behind the grandfather clock, so I followed you... I'm sorry, I just didn't want to be alone," Dixie said, her head bowed so that she wouldn't have to look at Alfred's face that would probably scrunch up in disappointment.

She heard Alfred let out a small sigh before she was picked up and was placed at his side. She turned to him in shock, he wasn't going to get mad at her?

Alfred seemed to read her mind since he spoke. "I'm not angry at you, young miss. Just promise me that you will not speak of this place, especially not to Master Bruce or your brothers. You will learn of this place in due time, just be patient."

Dixie just nodded and leaned to lay her head on his shoulders. "I promise, Alfred."

"Now, it's time to put you in bed."

Alfred walked up to the elevator and pressed a button and once the doors opened he went in. The ride up and the walk towards her room was quiet, Dixie being too sleepy to make a conversation with the butler. The adrenaline from earlier wearing off and her fatigue started to set in.

Alfred laid the nine-year-old on her bed and tucked her in. He was about to close the door on his way out when he heard Dixie say something.

"Thanks, Alfred. Goodnight."

The butler smiled and replied, "Goodnight, young miss."

He softly closed the door and left the hallway. 

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