Chapter 10

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"We are still 42 levels below ground, but if we can make the elevator," Aqualad reminded them as they ran through the hallways, the elevator clear of sight when the huge elephant-sized genomorphs from earlier seemed to sprout from the walls, completely blocking their way out.

They skidded to a stop, unsure what to do and how to take them down only to hear some noises behind them. They turned to see more genomorphs of different sizes growing in the walls and walked out, successfully having them surrounded.

One of the huge genomorphs blocking their way to the elevator was about to smash them but the four of them quickly jumped out of the way. Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash ran at the huge genomorphs ready to evade when Superboy ran and punched the genomorph that was about to smash them earlier straight at the jaw, making it land flat on its back. He saw another arm swinging towards him but was too late to avoid it and was pinned to the ground, the genomorph keeping his arm on him.

Kid Flash zoomed on the side of the wall, dashing past the last genomorph blocking the elevator with Aqualad and Robin jumping on top of the genomorph to throw it off. They turned, expecting Superboy to follow their lead but only saw him attacking the herd of genomorphs. Superboy kept punching one the genomorphs into the wall, making the ceiling unstable and start to crumble bits.

Fearing that Superboy didn't have some sense of control and won't stop, Aqualad yelled at the clone. "Superboy, the goal is to escape, not to bury ourselves here!"

That didn't seem like the right thing to say or do since Superboy was angry, The clone turned to him and yelled back at the Atlantian. "You want escape?!"

All of a sudden Superboy grabbed the arm of one of the unconscious genomorph and throwing it across the hallway, knocking back the other genomorphs and blocking any genomorphs to come any further.

Quickly running to the elevator, Aqualad didn't wait for Robin to say anything and ripped open the elevator doors, the elevator nowhere in sight. Kid Flash jumped onto the ledge of the elevator shaft, waiting for Robin to pull out her grappling gun and jumping along with her, stopping onto the ledge that said that they were on sub-level 15.

Superboy had to grab onto Aqualad and jumped off the ledge narrowing dodging a genomorph but when they started to fall again, Superboy was shocked.

"I– I'm falling," the clone said in shock.

Robin quickly drew a batarang she thankfully picked up by accident while grabbing some birdarangs earlier and threw it. Aqualad grabbing it and holding onto the shocked clone. "Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" he heard the clone muttering to himself.

"Don't know, but it looks like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool," Kid Flash tried to cheer up the clone and helping him down on the ledge.

The clone turned to Aqualad, still confused but definitely more calmed down now.

"Thank you," Superboy said.

A quiet rumble from above and started to grow louder made Robin looked up only to see the elevator was coming down from.

"Guys!" she yelled over the noise. "This will have to be our exit!"

Both Aqualad and Superboy used their super strength to punch the elevator doors open, quickly rushing onto the floor with Kid Flash and Robin, the elevator passing without a second to spare. But they didn't have time to recover when more genomorphs came from the end of the hallway making the team of heroes turn to the left. They didn't really know where they were going until Superboy started to yell where they have to go.

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