Chapter 3

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It's been over a month since she arrived in the manor. Dixie sat alone in her room in Wayne Manor reading an English copy of Grimm's Fairytales. After learning more English words thanks to her older brothers who would help her learn the complicated language. Even though she learned a lot of the English language there are still many words that are hard for her to understand and how there are a ton on English rules like tenses, punctuation marks, grammar and other complicated things that non-English speakers find complicated!

Dixie sighed and closed the book that her second oldest brother, Tim, gave her. He said that it was actually their sister's copy of the book when she was still learning English but what was weird was that Dixie never saw another girl in the mansion beside her. Dixie set the book to the side and stood up from her bed. She stretched her arms and legs and did a cartwheel.

Her room in the manor was huge compared to her trailer where she and her family lived! Heck maybe the trailer can even fit in her room and there would still be space!

After stretching a bit more, Dixie went out of her room and into the long hallways of Wayne Manor. As she suspected, the hallways were deserted and completely quiet. If Dixie didn't live here, she would have thought that this part of the mansion was empty but since she did live here, she knew that it should be noisy seeing that across the hallways was her brothers' rooms.

After knocking on all three rooms and hearing nothing but pure silence from the other side of the door, the nine-year-old made her way down the stairs towards the living room. Empty, just to be expected.

Only having one place left to go, Dixie headed towards the kitchen in hopes of finding Alfred. She made her way into the dining hall that leads to the kitchen. However, the kitchen opened all of a sudden, scaring Dixie in the process. The nine-year old's instinct suddenly hit her and she dove under the large dining table.

Ever since her time in Juvie, the young girl became jumpy and scared very easily that she would instantly hide from plain sight so she wouldn't be caught by the people who like to bully her, boss her around or scare her because they were bored.

Hiding under the large dining table, Dixie sighed when she saw it was just Alfred that exited the kitchen. She was about to go out of her hiding space but stopped when she noticed that Alfred was brisk walking and didn't seem to notice her.

She watched as Alfred hurriedly walked out of the dining room and into the living room. Dixie crawled out of her hiding spot and her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Why does Alfred look like he was in a hurry?

Intrigued, the nine-year-old quietly pushed the dinning door open just a little bit in time to see Alfred changed the hands of the old grandfather clock that was in the corner of the living room. He changed the arms of the grandfather clock to 10:47 and the grandfather clock suddenly rose upwards to reveal an elevator.

What? Since when was there an elevator in the Manor? Where does that even lead to? It can't possibly go up, the architecture won't add up? Is that where the other disappear to?

Dixie pushed away the fear and stare in wonder as Alfred stepped inside the elevator and the grandfather clock slid back down, the hands of the clock moving by itself to the correct time, it was back in its old position looking like it wasn't even moved.

Once she saw that the coast was clear, Dixie pushed the dinning door and ran up straight to the grandfather clock. She tiptoed and tried to reach the longest hand of the clock, her fingers nicked the very tip but it didn't move, not even a centimeter. She sighed and looked for something she could climb on so she can reach the clock hand.

Where's a mono-block chair or even a step stool when you need one?

Sighing in defeat, the young girl was about to give up when she remembered there was a step stool in the kitchen, why there was a step stool, she didn't know. She quickly ran back into the dining and into the kitchen. The kitchen was empty, not a single chef or maid in sight. She quickly opened the cupboard that hid the stepstool and carried it.

Running back to the grandfather clock, she set the stepstool and reached for the minute hand once more. Once she had a grip on the clock hand, she quickly rotated it until it was 10:47 sharp.

Without warning the old clock rose as it did with Alfred. Dixie had to balance herself so she wouldn't fall. She quickly jumped off the stepstool and quickly placed the stepstool to the side and dashed in. Who knows if this thing had a timer.

Once she entered the blue lighted elevator, the doors closed and it started going down.

Well... no place but down then...

She gulped and swallowed down her fears if this was where her brothers and dad were disappeared to, then she wanted answers. 

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