Chapter 13

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"Hey! That's cheating!" Wally yelled out, hitting the buttons of his controller more frantically now. Both the speedster and acrobat were playing some Smash Brothers Ultimate in Mount Justice. With both of them out of uniform but Robin still wearing her signature sunglasses.

"What do you mean? How could I cheat?" Robin laughed.

"I don't know! You probably hacked the game and made the items drop in favor of you, that was like, what? You're fifth smash ball? How come it always breaks when you're the last one to hit it?!" the speedster exclaimed.

Robin just laughed at her best friend. "Maybe because it will only give it to you when your the one who breaks it."

The redhead just sighed in exasperation when the round ended. "Oh yeah," Wally said all of the sudden. "It's almost been a month since the whole CADMUS incident, how are things at home? Everything good?"

It was Robin's turn to sigh. "Everything's fine but I still haven't talked to Batman or my brothers yet. We've been dancing around each other and Bats and I haven't had any patrols lately," the girl sighed. "I don't really wanna talk about this Wally."

"Oh," Wally said, looking a bit dejected but smiled softly at her. "It's okay, I understand. The first few days with Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris was awkward but we eventually talked it out."

It was quiet for a moment between the two, the mood now somber, both of them not wanting to continue their game.

"How was your day at the orphanage by the way?" Wally asked after a minute or so.

Robin smiled a bit at the change of topic. "It was fine, I had fun and I'm definitely starting to know the kids a bit more," Robin answered.

Before the speedster could ask more, both M'gann and Kaldur walked into the living room.

"Orphanage? What were you doing in the orphanage?" M'gann asked the acrobat. When the martian saw the look of panic on the speedster's face she realized that she was intruding in their conversation. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't realize that it was wrong for me to ask."

Robin shrugged it off, not looking offended. "It's okay, no harm, no foul. I started helping out at one of the local orphanages around Gotham."

"It's been almost a month since I started but I think it would be great if you guys join as well," Robin asked. "I could just start wearing my glasses around you guys if ever you come to visit. Besides, the kids there don't really call me by my real name, they prefer nicknames."

"What of the superpower ban in Gotham?" Kaldur asked, sounding a bit intrigued.

"Well it's not like you guys are going to go there in your costumes," Robin countered. "Pretty sure as long as you don't go out wearing your costumes or use your powers, no one would know."

"Really? That's great! I would love to help if ever!" M'gann exclaimed excitedly. "I bet we'll have a fun time watching and playing with the kids there! We could also count this as a team bonding exercise!"

"That's the spirit, Miss M!" Robin laughed at the martian's enthusiasm. "You could just tell me when you guys want to come over so I can contact the orphanage."

"Wait, sorry, random question," the speedster spoke up. "But where's Supey?"

"He said he was going to go to Metropolis," Kaldu answered. "He said he will return before our training session with Black Canary."

"Oh! I hope his trip goes well!" M'gann clapped happily.

Robin felt her phone vibrate in her pocket but chose to ignore it for now.

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