Chapter 4-UPDATED

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Chapter 4

It doesn't take long for my fake school papers to arrive, be processed, and for me to be accepted. I park the Camero as far away from the school as possible when I arrive. (One of the perks of someone calling you in is that they are usually very generous with how they treat you. This apparently includes lending out cars.) I take a deep breath as I turn off the car and take the key out of the ignition. I'm a nervous wreck. Between this being my first day of school ever and still being shaken up from the dream, I'm not the most confident person right now.  

Appearance is everything. Acting is your lifestyle. Suck it up! 

With one final calming breath, I step out to face my new school and the challenges it may present. There are no students in the parking lot, I discover. I also find out that my shiny car is way out of place in this area. I spot only two or three other new-looking cars in the parking lot. The rest are obvious products of a typical teenager's savings account. A few people stare and whisper when I walk through the doors. Keeping my confident face on, I match their gaze and continue walking to the office to receive my schedule.  

They tell me which locker is mine and explain where my classes are. While I smile and nod while they are explaining, I really haven't the slightest idea of where I am supposed to go. I wander the halls; looking quite lost I'm sure. Eventually, I pass a display case by the art room. Digitally altered pictures adorn the display and in the middle is the artist's name: Ava Adams. Jason's sister. While examining the photos, a girl with long, black hair comes up behind me. "What do you think of them?" 

"Oh, they're lovely," I respond honestly. I haven't had any time to explore photography much, but it is a profession I fantasize for myself in another life. "Do you know who Ava Adams is? I would like to tell her that I like the pictures." 

A smile crosses her face. "Hi. I'm Ava Adams. And you are?" 

"Lilly Madison," I say, and shake her extended hand. "How do you make these?" 

"Well, first I sketch them out and I use Photoshop...and it's hard to explain it, but I enjoy making them." 

"Wow. So, how long does it take to make one of them?" 

"Well, since I take the time to sketch it out and do fancy stuff with it on the software, each one takes about twenty-three hours," she explains. 

"Twenty-three? Really?" She nods. "Wow. That is way above my head. I wouldn't have the patience. Well, I really should get going. Great job with the pictures and keep it up." 


"Um, one last thing: could you point me in the direction of the girls' locker room?" 

"If you keep going straight down this hall, right before you get to the cafeteria, take a left. Pass the nurse's office and take a left into the ninth grade hallway and then take a right into the first little hallway you see, which should lead straight to the band room-the locker rooms are next to the band room," she explains. "But the girl's is before it on the right. Got it?" 

"Yes, thank you, Ava." 

"No problem, Lilly. Nice meeting you." 

She seems normal to me, I think as I follow her directions. She didn't appear to have any impulses she was trying to hold back.  

I find the gym locker room just in time. I guess it was later than I thought. The bell has already rung so I quickly change and follow the other girls out to where we meet everyday.  

"Hello. I'm Lilly Madison," I introduce myself to the instructor. 

He checks his list. "Hello, Lilly. I'm Mr. Davidson. You can go stand up against the wall with the others." 

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