Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

My whole grade is shaken up when a few days later Chase goes missing. I probably shouldn't feel too bad for him or be too concerned since he tried to rape me, but he's still a fellow classmate. Even I can't overlook that. After having so many students lost this year, I can only assume that the school suspects the worst.  

I pull Jason aside as soon as I can after school. "We need to talk." 

He follows me silently as I lead the way to the park across from the school. It's not as used as others, but it's a park nonetheless even if there are no playgrounds. We stop under a big tree, gnarled and twisted with age.  

"What happened to that treaty?" I demand and pull out the frayed paper treaty I found in the journal.  

"What is that?" 

"A treaty between your family and Charles Meyer in 1898," I reply, handing him the paper so he can see for himself. "What happened to it?" 

"We're still honoring it." 

"Where's Chase, then?" 

"Dead most likely. We're not the only vampires in town, you know." 

"What's that?" Ava asks from above, sitting casually in the tree. Christopher flanks Jason. 

Jason hands the paper up to her. "The treaty from 1898. Remember that?" 

"Of course," she replies after looking it over briefly. She gives it back to Jason, who, in turn, gives the paper back to me. "Where did you get it?" 

"From an old journal I found in my house," I reply.  

"She thinks we've killed Chase," Christopher states. 

"We don't kill people, Lilly," Ava says.  

"You live off of animal blood, I know. I just thought that one of you slipped up, that's all." 

"We haven't," Christopher assures me. "But others haven't been following the diet plan since they've come here. We've been trying to help them adjust, but they haven't really been trying at all. Can you piece it together yet?" 

I rack my brain. Suddenly everything clicks into place. Her petite figure, the wild eyes, the voice...  

"Shh..." Christopher says and points to his ears. I understand. Someone must be listening. He nods.  

I pull out my phone and type: Kerria. I show Christopher the message.  

He nods. "And...?" 


He nods once more. It seems that I was right not to befriend them. Two vampires to kill; I'll save them for later, though. I don't want to deal with it now. "If we've solved this little mix up, I suggest we disperse before we all get in trouble." 

"It's a public park," I reply. 

"I'm not liking the thoughts I'm getting from a certain someone." 

"Lovely," I say and take off toward my car. No one stops me, but I can feel multiple eyes watching my every move. 

When I get home, I know that Hannah senses the change in my behavior. I shake my head at her and she understands that I don't want to talk about it. I drop my phone off at my nightstand, kick off my shoes and socks and take a nap. 

I hear two cars pull into the driveway. Mom and Dad must be home. I don't go to confirm my guess. Instead, I turn on the radio and listen to the music while lying on my bed. After a while I find it odd that I haven't been called down to eat supper. Frowning, I make my way to the door, only to be stopped short when my legs suddenly collapse beneath me and I fall to the floor. I try to get up, but I can't. "What the...?" The answer comes to me so simply: Hannah.  

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