Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

When I wake up, it's like I don't even open my eyes, because there is no light at all. I try waving my hand an inch from my face, but I don't see it. Wherever I am, it's as dark as a cave. The ground is cold and so am I.  

Some considerate kidnappers, they don't even wrap me in a blanket!  

I crawl, putting my hand in front of me to guide me to the wall. When I find it, I stand up and work my way around the room searching for a door. 

I find something else instead. 

It's cloth, like clothes. I don't retreat fast enough. A hand pulls me in and teeth sink into my soft skin. I scream and thrash around.  

Then light floods into the room. It momentarily blinds me and the vampire hisses. Strong hands pull me away from the vampire and out into a hallway. I shove myself as far away from the vampire guard as possible. 

"Leave me alone!" I shout at the guard. He is tall and lean with short, dark hair and is wearing a black uniform. The one thing that strikes me as odd is the fact that his shoes are black cowboy boots. 

He continues to advance. "No," he says, turning my neck to expose the bite. "No, you need to get that taken care of." 

He drags me along to a small hospital area and grabs a few things from the cupboards to patch me up with. He doesn't seem at all bothered by my blood, which I translate as a good sign. He won't kill me at least. 

"What's your name?" I ask as he covers the bite. 

"Peter. Peter Whitson." 

"So, Peter...Why is there a mini hospital if you're all vampires?" I ask.  

"Tom had it installed for the humans he occasionally kidnaps. We've been expecting you...and the trouble that comes with humans." 

"Overboard enough?" 

The room is totally a mini hospital. Cupboards, examining tables, operation tables...they've decked the place out with medical stuff. Are they expecting me to kill myself? 

"Maybe," Peter laughs. "But since we are vampires, naturally, we didn't acquire anything legally." 


He finishes patching me up, returns the leftovers and leads me back to the same cell. 

"Are you crazy?"  

"There's nowhere else to keep you in the Criminally Insane part of the jail," he replies. "There's only twenty cells in this part and they're all full. Now in you go." He shoves me into the cell. 

"I know my rights!" I shout. 

"Do you really?" He asks, mock surprise taking over his face. "How nice. Bye-bye now!" He shuts the door and it goes black. 

"I have the right to remain silent!" I shout at the door. The echoes in the room are going to drive me crazy!  

"Shut up!" the vampire that's in the cell with me demands.  

I continue anyway, "Anything I say can be used against me! Hey! I have the right to have an attorney, too, buddy! If I can't afford one, one must be appointed to me! Hey!" I pound on the door. "Let me out!" 

"Not going to happen, peachy."  

"I demand to talk to a lawyer! I have rights! I'm an American citizen, for crying out loud!" 

The door flies open suddenly and I stagger backward from surprise. "First of all, you make the assumption that where you are being held is a democratic country. The surrounding country is in fact a parliamentary republic. Our kingdom within the country, however, has it's own government. We are our own country, our own race, and therefore have a separate government from the outside countries! Whatever American rights you have, I can practically guarantee you that they no longer apply here!" he shouts and shuts the door in my face again.  

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