Chapter 10-UPDATED

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Chapter 10

The rest of the school day goes by fast and I'm unlocking my car when someone pinches my butt. I spin fast, grab an arm, and twist it, slamming the person's face against my car. Chase groans. "Why you gotta be like that, girl?" 

I twist his arm back further.  

He yells. "Crazy bitch! Let go of me!" 

"That was very uncalled for," I growl and shove him away from my car. "If you ever do that again, I'll do a lot more than just twist your arm." I get into my car and speed out of the parking lot. Jason is waiting for me at my house when I get there.  

"Is everything okay?" he asks. "I saw you screech out of the parking lot." 

I groan and roll my eyes. "I'll be fine." 

"Who's bothered you?" When I remain silent, he raises an eyebrow and adds, "Do I need to knock some heads together?" 

"I've already done that, thank you," I say smugly as I let myself into the house.  

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" 

"I'm just fine," I insist, blocking the doorway. "I'm not totally incapable of handling myself, you know. Now, I think it's best if you leave. I have some things I need to do." 

"As you wish," he says reluctantly, and bids me good evening.  

I set off to the cellar to grab a flashlight, handgun, pocketknife, and a stake, and clip all of them to my waist. I was not lying when I said I was welcoming Tom's spies to come and get me. I walk outside and into the woods, instantly transforming myself into vampire bait.  

It's a beautiful sunny evening. The leaves on the trees are just beginning to burst forth from the buds; the grass is just starting to turn green. Birds sing their beautiful evening songs. Everything just seems so...peaceful. I walk for a while before I stop and prick my finger with the pocketknife. I am still for a minute as I listen to my surroundings and allow the blood to gather in an adequate pool on my fingertip. Rubbing my finger against the trees and ferns, I continue to walk at a leisurely pace.  

Suddenly the treetops are rustling and there's no wind tonight. I draw the gun from my waist and aim upwards. I don't see anyone up there, but it is obvious something is moving up there, something invisible to my human eye. I shoot off the round and run. Branches scrape my face; occasional dips in the ground cause me to lose my footing momentarily. Unexpectedly, I trip over seemingly nothing. I flip onto my back, supporting myself by my elbows and look up for a quick second. A blurred mixture of colors flies in the treetops now.  

I've tripped on a round, rusted handle sticking up out of the ground. Without hesitation, I throw the door open and hurl myself down the hole.  

I grunt as I tumble down a few short steps, dirt and debris being shoved into my mouth. When I hit the floor, I rise quickly and pull the door back down over me, locking me in complete darkness. My heart beats rapidly; my breath comes in short, ragged intakes and I can feel dirt smeared over my face and clothes. I back up against a wall, feeling all the way and finally shrink down to the floor and remain rigid. I don't dare turn on the light right now, although they surely know I am here.  

Two light thuds above alert me to their closeness. I hold my breath and try to calm my racing heart.  

The voices are slightly muffled above. "You can't kill her!" a fierce woman reminds the other. "Not yet." 

"She killed him!" a second female voice yells. 

"Patience, dear one. You'll get your chance. Her time will come to an end soon." Somehow, I think she almost purred that last bit. "We cannot take her before we are told to." 

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