Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jason, who remained standing after I ducked, clutches his chest and goes down.  

"No! Jason!" I scream. 

My warrior mode kicks in and first I search for the threat. Although I see nothing but darkness, I hear rustling and it's not just squirrels. From the sound of the movement, it's definitely human. Duh, it shot a gun. Cautiously, I back up towards one of those tall, metal flower holders. I let the plant fall and I yank the long pole up out of the ground. Now we'll see just how good my combat skills are. 

I wait; on edge for another bullet to come flying into my chest...but it doesn't come. Not that I'm complaining that I don't get shot. I've had enough injuries for one month. I hover by the fountain, getting ready for whoever comes my way. Nothing comes, but the soft rustling of leaves tells me that the threat is closer. Not caring who hears it, I yell, "What do you want?" 

A black figure flies at me from my right. I turn to meet the stranger, to whack him upside the head, but he is expecting that and grabs the bar. We're stuck in a lock, both clinging onto the bar, neither willing to let go first. Another pair of beating feet alerts me to an attack from behind, which I take care of for the moment with a swift backwards kick. Twisting my arms around and around and giving a quick tug back toward myself, I'm able to get the pole back. "Thank you," I say before I give him a good whack over the head, rendering him unconscious for the time being.  

I turn my attention to the two remaining threats. I give a good kick to the gut to one guy and while he tries to recover, I whack the other guy in the leg, collarbone, and finally a good blow to the head. I take care of the other guy the same way, also throwing in a blow to the ribs and elbow, but not before he punches me a few times.  

When I'm sure the threat is gone, I rush to Jason's side. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" I mutter under my breath, slightly beginning to panic. I rein it in before it consumes me.  

"Lilly, get the bullet out! Get it out!" he cries. 

I shake my head. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes and I fight to keep them from escaping. "No, I don't think I can." 

"Lilly! Lilly, please! If you love me you'll do what I tell you. Put your trust in me once more. Trust that I know what's good for myself! Do it!" 

"Alright! Alright." I move his bloody shirt out of the way and, cringing, I dig inside his chest for the bullet. It doesn't take long to find it, but getting it out is another thing entirely. Jason's face contorts into pained expressions as I work to remove it. Finally, my bloody hand wretches it out,. "Wood?" I gasp and toss it aside. They meant to take down a vampire, but why they attacked us, I have no clue. We're not vampires. 

"Help me up, Lilly. We need to get to the house. Right now." 

I help him up and have to support most of his weight, which isn't easy. We stagger about twenty yards before we collapse. More movement ahead of us makes me take a protective stance in front of Jason. 

"Lilly!" The voice is a welcome one and I relax. Christopher emerges from the darkness, looks puzzled for a moment and then rushes over to help. "We need to get him in the house." 

"I know, but the bleeding..." 

"He'll be fine. Here, help me carry him," Christopher commands. 

We pick Jason up and start going at a pace that must be too slow for Christopher, because he takes Jason completely into his arms and starts up a light jog. He doesn't seem to be straining himself at all. I follow suit, picking up my pace to match his strides. I don't fully understand how he's navigating the trail with next to no light; only the moon shines faintly. I stumble and fall a few times, but Christopher doesn't wait for me. I usually catch myself with my hands. Not a drop of blood escapes through any scrapes I collect along the way.  

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