Chapter 20

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~·~Jin's Pov~·~
   I gotta admit that making almost the same as Y/n's blood is hard but I made it since Jungkook has equipments here that I can use 'cause we always want to do some experiment every vacation…

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

   Knocks came from the front door but no one notice since they're too busy.

Jin:Guys open the door that must be them!

   I can't open the door with my pink apron since I'm cooking for them...but still I got no reply.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Taehyung:We're busy hyung!
Jin:Don't you think I'm busy too!!
Taehyung:Mianhe hyung!

   I've hot no choice but to open the door but It's not who we've been waiting for. It's Got8,all of them with some weapons in their hands.

Jin:What do you want?
BamBam:Hyung shall we ask them?
Jin:Make it fast I'm busy
Jackson:Do you guys have some plan to finish this apocalypse
Jin:Yeah,so what?
Jackson:We want to help
Jin:Come in

   I open the door widely and move to the side so that they can get in.

Jin:Guys stop that we have visitors!

   I yelled from the door to the living room but they are too much occupied that they didn't notice Got8.

Jin:You'll continue that or I will not make your foods for a month?!

   Namjoon stood up and checks himself before saying:

Namjoon:Hyung don't be rude to us and I'm here no-


Jimin:Hurry Taehyung-ah or else we'll starve for a month!
Taehyung:Wait for me Jimin-ah

   Taehyung and Jimin came running down the stairs nearly tripping. Yoongi is still left if he doesn't come down and wake up from his slumber I'm so done with him

Jimin:We're here hyung *Pants*
Jin:Good Job
Taehyung:*Pants* I ne-ed w-ater
Jin:Get some from the kitchen
Jin:Yoongi get you ass down here!


Jin:If I finish counting to three I will not make you a food for a month!

Still Silence~~~

Jin:One! Two! Thre-!

   Yoongi came trudging down the stairs with his wife aka the pillow…

Yoongi:Hyung why so harsh?
Jin:We have visitors

   I look behind me to see nothing.

Jin:What? Where are they?
Taehyung:Uhmm thwy are in their?

   Taehyung pointed at the kitchen and there they are!

Jin:Noo! My kitchen!
Yoongi:Hyung it's not your kitchen it's our
Jin:Stop it. I will claim back what's mine.
Jimin:So dramatic hyung...

   I glare at him and he avoided my glare by looking at the window. I stomp my way to the kitchen to see them having a meeting

Jin:Why here? Not in the living room?
Yugyeom:Well we don't want to disturb your time yelling at them to come down hyung.
Mark:So hyung mind telling us what's the plan?
Jin:Wait…Namjoon! Yoongi!
Namjoon and Yoongi:Ne?!
Jin:Care to explain tge plan to them?
Namjoon:Ok hyung
Yoongi:But hyung w-
Jin:No buts!
Yoongi:Arasso hyung

   They followed Namjoon and Yoongi to the living room while I make more portions for Got7 and Mina. I'm almost done cooking when I heard some knocks at the door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Jimin:I got it!

   I heard some groans that has the same like the walkers. 'They are already here'.

BamBam:Do we use that walkers?
Hoseok:Yeah,why so you want to get bitten? (Laughs)
BamBam:Of course n-not!
Jin:Sop joking around and put them in the cage in the experiment room
Y/n:Ne oppa

   We've finished eating an explaining all the things that had happened to Got8 in these past few days. We are now in the experiment room to test out the antidote that we have. First we used tranquillizer and it work!

   While they're still unconscious I first inject the original antidote first and-

Taehyung:It worked!
Mina and Y/n:Tim?!
Tim:Y/n?! Mina?!
Surprisee!!! I've update a chapter today since you guys wanted an update and I'm feeling lazy today so I made it early....

I hope you like it and if you did please like,vote and comment😙

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It's already near the end guys 2 more chapters and this book will be done so what are we waiting for?

To the next chapter we go!!

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