Chapter 22

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~·~Hoseok's Pov~·~
   That is a sign that I must move on now…maybe someone will love me back if we did things successfully;using this antidote

~·~Yoongi's Pov~·~
   I knew it! But Jungkook shall take care of mini or else I'll break his bones and feed it to the dogs

~·~The rest of Bangtan~·~
   Wowww~Jungkook is so lucky~

~·~Y/n's Pov~·~
    I feel my face blush at what he said,so I cover my cheeks eith both of my hands.

Yoongi:Take care of her or else I'll break your bones and feed it to the dogs…
Jungkook:A-arasso hy-hyung
Yoongi:Do not make her cry-
Hyebin:Or else you won't be seeing anymore daylight

   Yoongi oppa and Hyebin unnie high five each other. And since the antidote have work what do we do now?

Taehyung:Jin hyung what do we do now?

   I love him,we always have the same thought…

Jin:We shall make a bomb but inside it contains a tranquilizer filled inside is the antidote

(A/n:I don't really know what thing you use for that and the only that keeps popping up in my head is the tranquilizer. Sorry)

Jungkook:How many bombs hyung?
Jin:In Seoul we need atleast 10-
Jimin:What about the other provinces?
Namjoon:We need help from the military
Y/n:Yeah and then we can borrow their helicopters and we can leave the rest to them if we've already finish all part of the Seoul
Jungkook:Good one Jagiya
Yoongi:I prefer you to call my sister  Y/n in front of us but Jagiya when we are not around okay?
Jungkook:A-arasso hyug
Hyebin:At this tine we should do it 'Now'

   We made some big bombs that could fit 50 tranquilizer per bomb. Work,work,work straight for 5 hours but It looks like I'm the only one hungry-

Taehyung:Hyung I'm hungry

Told you we have the same thought... how weird. Is he an alien?

Yoongi:Ask Jin hyung
Taehyung:Jin hyung! Can we eat now?!
Jin:Eo! Just a minute!

   There's a mall here with a Panda Express a mile from here that is requested by Taehyung . Tim tagged along with us 'cause why not?Oh and Kenneth also…

   Tim learned how to defend and shoot properly by Jungkook oppa and Jimin oppa,we didn't feel any presence of Got8 as we got out of Jungkook's house...

    As we are walking and talking happily I felt something in my waist,wich is Jungkook's hand around my waist

Y/n:Yah…what are you doing?
Jungkook:Can't I do this?
Y/n:Yoongi oppa might see us you know
Jungkook:He already saw us

   I see Yoongi oppa in front of us only to bring his two finger in his squinting eyes and pointed it at Jungkook and me and turn his back at us.

   We've reach the Panda Express and Taehyung oppa is the first one to go jump up and down with a little bit of squealing happily not minding if the walkers hear us or what. The coast is clear.

   The foods are not affected like someone is keeping then from getting bugs,dirty or whatsoever

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   The foods are not affected like someone is keeping then from getting bugs,dirty or whatsoever...And their are different kind of foods also

   We chose a seat not far fromPanda Express so we can get more if we want without walking far once again suggested by Taehyung oppa

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   We chose a seat not far fromPanda Express so we can get more if we want without walking far once again suggested by Taehyung oppa. Namjoon oppa started a talk to prevent some akwardness in the table,for more fun Namjoon oppa decided to speak in English.

Italic means they're speaking English

Namjoon:So how are you?
Taehyung:I'm God
Namjoon:You're God?
Taehyung:Yeah I'm good

   We all bursted into a fit of laughter especially me and Namjoon oppa. Jungkook oppa decided to join in.

Namjoon:Example one...Situation one...listen and repeat...
Namjoon and Jungkook:Pardon?

   We all laughed once again at the scene in front of us and talked a little bit more…
Hello guys I'm back with an update and the book will be done with two final chapters so that's it...

I hope you like it and if you did please like,vote and comment…😙

Next chapter we go!!!

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