Chapter 1

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"Bye mom love you, bye dad love you too!" I said and kissed my mom good bye. Before I took my 4 bags of clothes and before the movers left my little sister joined me in a hug. "I live you Lilly I'm gonna miss you." Milly said "I love you too Mill I'll call you every night I swear." I rushed with a kiss to her forehead and left. I slept the whole plane ride to London I was so scared I don't know how I fell asleep but I did. UGH!!! I can't find a fucking cab to take me to my apartment building! "Hello! right here!" I stuck my hand out and a cab finally stopped for me. "Hi thanks can you take me to melody lane and to the welbony apartments?" I asked "Yes ma'am." the driver said then took off. (I don't actually know if there is like a melody lane or a welbony apartment building!) I sat there looking out the window and lots I people were in the streets and walking around and I'm so glad it's summer! I also saw a book store right next to the apartments! I love music and I'm a great singer just have no one who will take me in and sign me. "That will be 23.50." the driver said. damn that's alot! "here you are keep the change." I said and walked out. I grabbed my bags then went into the apartment. "Hi Miss how may I help you?" A lady asked "oh I just moved in here and I need my keys I'm Lilly Kassa." I stated "Oh your going to enjoy your neighbors across from you there a joy!" The lady said. "Thank you." I smirked. I walked to the elevator and hit the last floor number, 20th floor! As it stopped at my floor I could hear the yelling of boys and banging on the walls. Goodie just what I need. I walked in and saw all my stuff was thrown in my apartment. I took this time to rearrange everything. It took me 3 HOURS!!! The people across from me finally shut up! I started to play the song 'you and i' with my piano. I began to sing. I'm not really a big fan of One Direction but I do love this song. I was singing until I heard a knock on my door. "Just one minute!" I yelled. See I don't wear pants around my house that much. I ran to my room and through on my black high waisted shorts with my cute daisy crop top. I ran to the door and opened it. "Hello I'm Niall this is Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry! we are the trouble makers across from you!" Niall said "well hello Niall, Zayn,Liam,Louis,and Harry I'm Lilly." I said and all the boys just jumped on me into a hug. "Hey what song is this? OH YOU LISTEN TO THIS! ARE YOU A SINGER DO YOU SING!?" One of them yelled I think it was umm Louis? yeah Louis. "Hey can you play it?" asked Harry. "Sure." I said and sat down. I started to play it on the piano and all the boys began to sing. Well not at first. Niall sang then Liam then it went on and I noticed the voices and jumped up! "You guys sing this song!!" I yelled "Oh how did you know?" Zayn said sarcastically. "Shut up you!" I hissed at Zayn. "CAT FIGHT!" Louis yelled "Hey would you like to go for dinner with us will make it?" Liam asked "I really shouldn't I have to do some stuff tonight I'm kinda busy. And by the way does any one know what a good book is because I'm going to the book store soon." I mumbled "Harry does!" Louis yelled and pushed him ahead. "Hi." Harry blushed. "So would you like to take me to the Book Store Harry?" I asked "Sure I'd love to." Harry grabbed my hand and we ran out. I guess the guys won't do much to my apartment knowing that we left them in there. "Hey this book called Extras is really good you should read it." Harry suggested. "Okay I'll try it out you want to go back now?" I asked Harry "Sure lets just check out." Harry said. I felt his eyes on my ass the whole time we were waiting to checkout. "Okay so will you let is make you dinner?" Harry asked "yes but no poison!" I said sternly. Harry chuckled a bit then went back to driving I pulled out my phone and went on Twitter. "hey you have twitter?" Harry said. "Yeah why?" I asked "because I would like to follow you, so what's your name?" Harry asked "Umm @LillyKassa." I said. We pulled up to the apartments and I walked into my apartment we'll Harry went into his. I got into my room and took a shower. I got out and looked in my dresser and picked out a black lace bra with matching underwear. I through that on real quick I was about to pick out what to wear until I heard a thump under my bed. Got down on my hands and knees and find Louis Zayn Liam and Niall under there! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!" I yelled and stood up. "Well we were in here and were gonna scare you but your in your um under wear and stuff so we decided not too." Louis rumbled on. "So uh you may want to cover up." Awkwardly Liam scratched his head. "Shit did you guys see anything?" I asked "Only a little." Zayn said. "Um you can go now I just have to change. When they left I closed the door and began to pick an outfit out. I chose a pink lose crop top and white high wasted shorts. I walked out locked my door and went into the boys apartment. "Hello!" I yelled to all the boys in their kitchen. I sat on the couch and was watching tv. Harry sat next to me and put his arm over my shoulder. "Wow styles what do you think your doing?" I asked. Harry pulled his arm back fast with a blush on his face. "YEAH STYLES YOU HAVE TO TICKLE A GIRL TO GET TO HER HREAT SO LETS GO!!!!" Louis yelled and held my arms down well Niall and Zayn tickled me. "STAHP!! STAHP!! I CAN'T BREATH!!" I giggled. I finally got out of Louis grip and ran upstairs and hid in the nearest room. I'm so glad I took track in high school. I ran into a closet. It had tons of clothes in it. "LILLY WHERE ARE YOU!" Louis screamed "IM GONNA FIND YOU!!" Niall yelled. "I THINK I SMELL HER!!" Zayn yelled as he whipped the closet door open and picked me up. "Zayn please no more tickling!" I giggled as I hit his back to put me down. "Never!" Zayn chuckled. "Now Zayn you put her down!" Liam cried. "okay." Zayn muttered an set me down. "Well dinners done so let's go downstairs and eat." Liam declared. I went to the tabled that had 6 seats Niall set a plate out for everyone so I took the smallest plate of pasta. We began to eat and chat until we were all done. "Bye you guys thanks for having me!" I said. "Bye!" they said together. I looked at the time it was 12:00 o'clock what did we do! wow! I'm tired! I went to my door and tried to open it but it was locked. I looked through my bad no key great! and the desk people are closed right now! I knocked on the boys door. "Hello." Louis said "Hi I um left my key in my ro-." Before I could finish Louis cut me off. "LADS LILL IS GOING TO SLEEP HERE SHE LEFT HER KEY IN HER ROOM!" Louis pulled me in and showed my to a guest room just kidding it was Liam's room just so clean and looked unused unlike the other boys messy rooms. "you can sleep with Liam because he's safe and you can trust him he won't do anything because he's safe!" Louis said way to fast for me to understand what he was saying. "okay I understand but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked Louis "Oh I don't know?" Louis said something else under his breath that I could pick up. What ever he said I don't care. I walked down the stairs and out of no where I was thrown to the ground by Harry. "sorry I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going." I muttered "No no it was my fault Lilly I'm sorry. By the way where are you sleeping tonight, who's room?" Harry asked. "Louis said I was going to sleep in Liam's room because he's 'safe and won't do anything' which I don't understand what he was talking about." I sighed. "oh well it's late I better get to sleep night Lilly you can come to my room if anything happens I'm the room right next to Liam's." Harry said and we walked into the different rooms. "So Liam these shorts are kinda uncomfortable do you have anything I could wear?" I asked. "Yeah here have a

pair of my boxers." Liam threw them at me . "We'll look away." I sassed. I was watching Liam as I got changed. "LIAM NO PEEKING LOOK AWAY!" I giggled as he turned his head to look at me. I finally got off my shorts and put on boxers. "Well um actually we have a change in plan you can go sleep in Harry's room because he has bunkbeds." Liam said. I walked out to Harry's room. I opened the door to find Harry butt naked. i slammed the door and waited there. "Have you ever hear of knocking?" Harry asked "Yes I have but have you heard of wearing clothes to bed?" I asked "You haven't either because if I recall when I looked through your peep hole to see if you were there you were walking around in your under wear!" Harry exclaimed. "Prev." I giggled. "hey your a Prev too then!" Harry chuckled. Whatever I call top bunk." I yelled and ran to the top. "No the top is mine!" Harry yelled plopping on. "So are we going to lay like this now?" I asked "Yep." Harry smirked. I fell asleep with the smell of his shirt in my face the best smell ever.

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