Chapter 4

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"So where's the club?" I asked Louis as he held my arm to guide me. "Um over there. It's the big black one." Louis replied. "Oh there's a lot of people there." I whispered to him. "Yeah it's a party for like, just a party I guess." Louis whispered back. I nodded my head as we approached the doors. I moved over to Harry and squeezed his hand. "Cover your face now!" Harry yelled. I ducted my head and put my hand over it as Harry pulled me in to him and cameras flashed. "Okay we're In the clear you can look up." Harry yelled over the music. "Wow this place is cool!" I squealed. "Let's get you a drink." Harry whispered in my ear as we ran to the bar where the other boys were. "Hmm what would you like love?" Harry asked "I'll have a Vodka." I told Harry. "Will have two vodkas and four shots!" Harry yelled to the bar tender. "Harry are you trying to get me drunk?" I asked with a giggled "Oh no I would never. Just drink it." Harry said sarcastically. We chugged the shots at the same time. It burned my throat when it went down but it was the good kind of burn. we took the other shots as well. "Cheers!" Harry yelled as we clinked our Vodkas. "Try this one!" Louis yelled from behind me. I drank it. "Now this one!" Zayn yelled. Chugged that one. "Try this one it's the Irish luck ITS GOOD!" Niall screamed. I have to admit it is good. "I feel a little tipsy. LETS HAVE MORE DRINKS!" I screamed and the bar tender shot me about ten drinks. "LETTTSS DANCE!" I slurred. "Your dancing is so sexy." Someone with a German accent said from behind me. "Stop I don't know youuu" I slurred even worse sipping my drink. " Come dance with me." He said and pulled my arm. "STOP!" I screamed and ran tor-wards Liam. "Liam let's go can-n wee go?" I asked "C'mon love lets get the boys your wasted!" Liam said. "HARRY I FOUND YOU!" I yelled. "Yeah love, you are completely wasted!" Harry yelled in shock. I may have snuck away and grabbed a few more drinks. "Harry why are you so handsome." I asked in my drunken state I'm really truthful when I'm drunk fuck me. Harry just blushed and we walked to the car. I fell ALSEEP as soon as I hit the seat.

Next morning

"fuck." I whispered under my breath. My head was pounding and my thoughts ran through my head. Fuck hangovers. "Hey look who woke up!" Liam yelled as I walked down the stairs. "Breakfast smells good!" I squealed. "Here take some of these it will make you feel better." Louis said and handed me some pills. "You were crazy last night. Your dance moves were great!" Zayn chuckled "Yeah we have to take you out more often!" Niall chirped in. "Where's Harry?" I asked as Liam set my plate I front of me."Um he's up in his room he hasn't come out." Liam said. I guess I'll jut check on him after I eat. I finished eating the ran up to Harry's room. I knocked on the door. "Come in." Harry said. "What's wrong Harry?" I asked "Nothing why?" Harry replied. "Harry something is wrong just tell me." I demanded. Harry let out a sigh and fell back in his bed. "Harry! TELL ME WHATS WRONG?!" I yelled. "Nothing I just don't feel good from last night." Harry said. "K well have one of my keys to my apartment if you need to talk I'm leaving so bye Harry." I said and ran out. I pushed open my door and ran into my room. I through off my dress and jumped into my bed. I began to cry. Does Harry not like me? Did I say something? All I ever wanted was someone to trust. I must have laid in bed for 20 more minutes crying until I heard someone run into my room. "Go away." I sobbed. "Its me Niall I could hear you crying from out in the hall. Now what's wrong?" Niall asked. I was still in my bra and underwear from when I took off my dress so I have to cover op with my covers. I latched onto Niall and began to cry even more as he rubbed my back. "What's wrong?" Niall asked "Your like a sister to me Louis already! Tell me what's wrong?" Niall begged "Its a boy thing." I said. "So?" Niall said "Its about Harry. He totally rejected me upstairs in his room when I was asking what was wrong with him and he like just shut me out." I cried even louder now. "Shhh you really like him don't you?" Niall said "Yeah." I muttered. "Okay I'll talk To him just take a shower you smell like pure alcohol." Niall chuckled and brightened my day a little. As he walked away I ran into the bathroom and let the water run down my back. I finally got out after 40 minutes. I picked out a crop top that had the mermaid Ariel on it but she was like thug I guess and she had tattoos and piercings and red high waisted shorts that's had ripped ends. And obviously a messy bun was pulled off. Ugh Harry makes me want to cry! I can't stop thinking about him. "Hello. Sorry about earlier I let myself in with the key." Harry said. "Harry I can't deal with you when you do that! You don't know me and I don't know you were friends right now am I don't need my heart to be broken." I started to cry and slipped on my vans and ran out. Shit I hear Harry running after me. I ran out to my car and drove to a close Starbucks. I went into a corner were no one was and started to cry softly. I wiped it away as someone came back. mine as well get a coffee. "I'll have a hazel but coffee please." I said and gave her my bankcard. Bless my parents for not loving me and throwing money at me as it would 'help' me. God I don't have my phone but I have my bankcard! Walked out to my car and went back to the apartments. As I pulled up I saw Harry by his car. And my parking space was right next to his. Fuck.


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