Chapter 2

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I woke up and noticed Harry's arm was over me. I slowly got up trying to be quiet but I hit my head on the wall and I was almost standing. "Hello love. how's your head feeling." Harry chuckled. his morning voice was so deep and raspy also maybe a little sexy. LILLY WHATS WRONG WITH YOU HE CAN'T BE SEXY YOU CAN'T DATE A PERSON YOU DON'T KNOW! God I'm yelling myself in my head.. I'm a weirdo. "I should go get my key now."i said an walked out. "Wait you can't go get it in boxers silly!" Harry called. "Oh yeah I have to get changed. and styles close you eyes." I hissed. Harry closed his eyes and I turned away. Quickly pulling of the boxers and throwing on my shorts. "See ya later harry!" I yelled and Harry had a grin planted on his face. That dirty child. I walked down to the lobby. "Excuse me could I have a key to my room I left mine in my room." I asked. and the lady turned around and handed me a key. "Thank you!" I said and walked away. Damn she was rude. I walked into my apartment ran to my room. I think I love Harry. But I can't because I don't know him like at all. Liam is nice and so is Niall. But Zayn looks like a bad by with a sweet side. And well Louis is crazy and loud and sweet. Harry seems be a flirt and such with girls. I took a quick shower and jumped out real fast because I saw a spider. Oh god time to pick out clothes again. Hmmm maybe black jean shorts with a tiger shirt. Cool. I walked out and my stomach started to grumble. Almost for got the most important meal of the day! I got my car keys and went to the nearest breakfast place. "Hi I'm Jack and I'll be your server today, what would you like to drink?" Jack asked "Um I'll have some coffee please." I said. And Jack left. I searched the menu and pick out an omelet. "Okay here's your coffee and I'll be back with your meal." Jack smirked a little to creepy. He was tall not that buff but a little he had like three tattoos on his arm. He was kinda cute but I would never date him he looked like a douche. My food FINALLY came to me. I ate fast and left a tip. I walked out and tried my best to ignore that Jack guy. "Hey! Wait!" Jack yelled "What?" I asked "Wanna go on a date with me?" Jack suggested "sorry I can't I'm busy with stuff." I said "No you have to go with me." He grabbed my arm and started to pull me away. "HELP!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!" I screamed as a black SUV pulled up. "Shut up!" Jack yelled "HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed even louder and I started to cry thinking that I could die. I close my eyes and hoped for the best I. That few minutes I had before I was probably going to be thrown in a car I heard Harry's voice! I also heard Zayn's, Liam's, Niall's, And Louis's. Thank the lord!!! "Hey get off her man what do you think she is!" Harry yelled. Bless these boys I barley know! Niall pulled me out and took me to my car. "You alright love?" Niall asked "Yeah just a little shook up and a little scared." I answered "Do you want to stay with five buff men tonight?" Niall said flexing "Will have to see Mr. Buff man Niall." I giggled. Niall started to laugh really loud and his laugh is the type of laugh that makes you wanna laugh. We burst out laughing until I hit his arm to make him look serious because the other boys were walking back. "Follow us back home." Liam said and patted me on the shoulder. "Hey can one of you guys drive home with me I'm kinda shook up." I admitted. "I will!" Harry said right away before Louis could talk. Louis pouted and Harry turned around and said "Sorry lad maybe next time." Louis started to fake cry onto Liam's shoulder and I giggled. "Hey I'm sorry about that jerk." Harry said "Harry it's not your fault god it's my fault either no one would have seen that coming." I smiled. I put my hand down at the same time Harry did are hands touched and I stared into his eyes. I took my hand off really quick and focused on the road.

Harry's POV

Are hands touched and I stared into her eyes her beautiful eyes. Her big blue eyes and her brown long hair were shinning. She moved her hand and focused on the road. I wish she hadn't moved her hand they were so smooth and small. She also had big breast. Wait Harry what are you thinking she probably doesn't like you! "so are you going to stay in your apartment tonight or would you like to have a sleep over with us lads?" I asked "I don't know yet. I'd have to see when I get home." Lilly said. Her voice was so quiet and cute. We finally got to the apartments like a gentleman I opened her door for her and walked her in. "Ill see you later." Lilly said "So your sleeping over?" I asked "Maybe." Lilly smirked "Here give me your phone and I'll put in all the lads numbers." I said. Lilly handed her phone over. I went to her contacts and added our names.

Lilly's POV

"Thanks Harry." I yelled as I walked into my apartment. I ran into my room and looked at there names in my phone. Harry's: Harry Boo😊, Louis's: Louis the Carrot man, Liam's: Daddy Direction, Niall's: Niall the Nando's man, Zayn's: Zayn is Vain. I burst out laughing thinking about the names. I took some clothes out for the sleep over. I took out boxer shorts that were really short and a tight tank top. For the morning I took out a thong and a really sexy bra also high waisted shorts with a cross gray shirt. I put my hair up into a messy bun then ran over to The boys apartment. "Knock knock!" I yelled. The door swung open and Louis hugged me "I see you got some clothes there." Louis said and ripped my thong out of my pile and ran away. I dropped all my clothes and ran after Louis I think he forgot I took track! "LOUIS GIVE THOSE BACK!!!" I yelled "HARRY TAKE THESE AND RUN!!" Louis yelled throwing my thong at Harry. It took him a minute to realize it was my thong and I was chasing him. "SHIT LOUIS!" Harry screamed and ran at Zayn. "ZAYN TAKE IT AND RUN!!!" Harry yelled to Zayn. "Thanks harry!" I said sarcastically. "ZAYN STOP AND GIVE THEM BACK!" I screamed. "You want em'? Go get them!" Zayn yelled and put them on Niall's head. Zayn and I burst out laughing as Niall tried to figure out was on his head until he ripped it off. "Thank you Niall." I said and ripped them out of his hands "Welcome!" He yelled as I ran downstairs. "Hey lads what now?" I asked "MAN HUNT!!!!!" Louis yelled. Oh shit this just got real!

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