Chapter 16

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"Would you like to come in?" Cameron asked. "Um sure?" I said. "Good answer, it's kind a chilly out." Cameron pointed out.

It smelled like man and pizza oh and sweat. God if he is with someone, god only knows how she stays in here.

"Hey umm about awhile back I'm sorry. I miss you and I always think about it I haven't lately until is found you on the internet." I said all to quickly.

"And when you moved I broke down, my family was no help and I was still ugly and fat and I had no friends." I remarked.

"I'm sorry but it was a business thing and my dad's job was moved here. " Cameron admitted.

"Oh... I thought it was because you hated me so much for doing that. And I don't even know how you could've loved me or your friend I was fat and I may add again ugly." I said.

"No I loved you no matter what it was just a little Business arrangement. Look I didn't have time to tell you and I didn't have a phone to text you I couldn't have one back then." Cameron admitted.

"I feel terrible that I thought you hated me... Make up hug?" I asked

Without saying sure he swooped into my arms and gave me a big bear hug. His hair smelled really good.

He let go and I fell forward still in my day dream. " So how are you here with?" Cam asked now gesturing me to sit on the couch.

"Well I moved here alone then my cousin Katy moved up here to live with me." I said

"Well I should visit you. Where's your place and when should I come?" Cam asked.

"Oh um I'll text you just put your number in my phone. " I handed hi my phone as he typed in the numbers.

I looked down at my phone and it was written so cute 'Cam Yo BFF❤️' I remember why I liked him so much.

Yeah so I should get going soon or you want to do something? Like we could I to lunch?" I asked

"Sure I'd love to let me grab my wallet and I'll follow you there. Or yo follow me there sense you've only been here what? a month." Cameron stated.

I walked out and sat in my car. God I love this fucking car because one I made out with Harry in it and two I made out with Harry in it.

He got in his car and I began to follow him. We drove to some cute little pink restaurant. I think it was a restaurant.

As we got closer to the little pink place I began to see little cakes and candies in the windows.


I parked my car and walked out straight to cam. "Aw cam this brings back memories of our old candy shop at our home town. And that's when I first met you." I said in aw.

"Well I thought you might still have a sweet tooth." Cam chuckled. "Yep I do I never left it." I giggled.

We walked in and I ran Towards these golden marshmallows! I picked up all the candy I could hold and paid for it.

I looked at cam and he did the same as well. We both burst out into laughter because we both grabbed a bikini top made out of hard candies on a string.

We approached are cars and stocked them up with candy. before I went Ito my car I went to cam.

"Bye Cam I'll see you later! I can't wait for you to meet my room mate or my cousin haha it's Katy. And me my neighbors I bet you'll love them!" I have Cam a quick hug then went to my car.

Ugh I have to get the house ready for when he comes.


"Awesome Katy thanks for helping me clean up the house." I thanked her.

"Yeah yeah I just can't wait to see Cam!" She squealed taking apart some of my marshmallows.

We should all go the the movies. I thought to myself.... Yeah the movies and I'll sit next to Harry and Katy will sit in between Zayn ad Cameron. Then Louis, Liam, and Niall will sit next to earth other!!!

This will be great!

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