Chapter 17

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Ugh I only have thirty minutes before Cameron comes!! Oh shit! okay I'll just put my hair in a bun and wear some mascara! great!

Umm what clothes do I wear! Doesn't matter Lilly you only have five minutes. I threw on my Victoria Secret sweatshirt and some leggings and I ran downstairs.

"Harry?" I called as I heard a squeak. "Harry don't play games with me!" I yelled. Out of no where Katy pops out.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed in fright. "Sorry just wanted to see if cam was here yet." Katy exclaimed. The bell rang Katy and I gave each other death stares and bulleted to the door.

I whipped it open to find Harry and the lads waiting there. "well you guys must be anxious to see us." Harry exclaimed.

"We're waiting for Cameron remember my old friend and were all going to the movies." Trying to make him remeber. I see his head shoot up as he remebers.

I walked out to the kitchen and make coffee waiting for cameron i hear the door bell ring. I jump up and blot torwards the door ripping it open.

"CAMERON YOUR HERE!!!" I yelled hugging him then letting him in.

"Yeah wow you have a nice home." Cam said then walked to the couch.

I sat next Harry knowing he'd be upset if I didn't. "Hey Harry you okay with this?" I whispered.

"Yeah I'll be fine just a little cold." Harry said kissing my cheek.

I looked around and found Katy laying down the deal about the theaters. Wow Katy the big girl hanging with Cam.

"Hey Liam can we talk?" I asked. Looking at him until he answered like a puppy dog.

"Yeah." I took Liam into the hall an began my sentence.

"Hey Liam can like watch over Katy and make sure se doesn't do any thing with Cameron she can cling to guys she doesn't care about. " I said.

"Yeah totally. But um do think he cares about us, the lads?" Liam asked

"Of course she loves all of you guys." I giggled. Liam smiled quickly then walked into my apartment.

But now that I think about it the lads have been living at my house for awhile. Oh those I boys. Just lucky I have them.

"Hey can we head out now?" I asked.

"Yeah let's go lads we can't be late." Zayn said.

We walked to are cars and began driving to the movie theaters. I was in my car with Harry Katy and Cameron.

In Liam's care was Zayn Louis and Niall.

We pulled up to the theater and all the boys piled out. "NIALL RUN!" I screamed as a swarm of bees came out of a tree. I burst to the door out of breath and still shaking.

I have a huge fear of bees god they fucking scare me so bad. So aside from that there are at least 20 people clawing at me for One Direction info. Yeah they caught on when they saw me.

I texted Louis really quick telling him there are at least 20 to 30 fans in there clawing at me.

I sat there answering questions for an hour well the lads and Katy got Ice cream. The fans left after I told them I wasn't with the boys. I walked out the back to where the boys were waiting in their cars. I jumped in Harry's. Of course.

"Here's your ice cream love." Harry smirked and handed me a perfect cone with some melted parts.

"Hey where's my car and how did you get yours?" I asked.

"Oh we brought yours back and took mine well you were in there." Harry answered.

"Where's my thank you for sitting in there?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"In that ice cream." Harry chuckled.

I ate it in 10 minutes. Haha no brain freezes. I kissed Harry's cheek and sat back.

"Hey what's that for?" Harry asked with a grin.

"For everything." I smirked.

"Hey do mind if I stop by the pharmacy I need to pick up some cough syrup." Harry said.

"Yeah no problem honey." I new he had something not just a cold.

"Hey maybe we should take you to the doctors baby because you have to go on tour soon." Putting the thought out there it sounded still I mean he can't just not go on tour.

"Ok we'll we can stop right now with me personal doctor he has a place open around the corner. I be the could fit me in." Harry said driving into a pharmacy.

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