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Sophia's POV

It was now time for lunch. After Kihyun and Emily went back to the classroom earlier, I saw them talking and smiling, making an emotion spark inside me.

Now, I'm seating infront of the two in me and Kihyun's usual lunch table in the cafeteria.

Emily was occasionaly feeding Kihyun, who didn't even complained and just let her feed him.

"Uhm.. Emily-ah," Said blonde looked at me, raising a brow, "Why did you even transferred here?" I asked, moving my salad with my fork.

"My mom made me. She said that the education's better here and whatnot," She answered before picking up a piece of chicken dumpling from her platter, "Open up, Kihyun~"

"Thanks.." He uttered before eating it, chewing away with what I see, a content look on his face.

"Are they dating?"

"No way. Kihyun-oppa and the new girl?"


Those were some of the sentences Kihyun's fangirls were whispering to eachother but the two didn't heard.

If you look at them, they do seem like a lovey-dovey couple. Even if the two only met today.

"Kihyun~ What are you're likings?" Emily asked.

"I like to write lyrics and sing." He answered before taking a sip of his fruit soda.

"I bet you're singing voice is so~~ charming!" Emily beamed, smiling at the male.

Kihyun looked down, his cheeks tinting a faint pink, "Th..Thank you."

Is-Is he blushing..?

I clenched my fists that were placed on my lap, feeling jealousy flame inside my chest.

Yes, I am admitting it. I am jealous. I'm jealous of Emily because she's too friendly with Kihyun. I'm jealous because Kihyun seems to be liking it. I'm jealous because it feels like I'm just a third wheel.

Yes, a freakin third wheel when I'm his bestfriend for such a long time and he just met Emily for about 4 hours.

I can't understand why I'm jealous but I bet it has something to do with Emily and Kihyun. Maybe because they look like bestfriends when I'm his bestfriend.

Or maybe because it looks like they're a couple.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up from my seat, making the two stop chatting and look at me.

"Excuse me but I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a sec." I declared before walking out of the cafeteria.

I didn't even heard a reply from Kihyun as he started to talk to Emily again, making the jealousy I was feeling bubble up more.

Without thinking, I sprinted towards the bathroom, saying sorry to the students I bump into.

I entered the girl's restroom and went to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror and shooked my head,

"Sophia. He's just being nice to her. It's not like they'll end up as a couple after a week, right?"

Thankfully no students were inside the restroom or else they'll think I'm crazy.

I washed my face with water and looked at the mirror once again, seeing a few droplets of water falls from my bangs.

I took out my handkerchief and patted my wet face, sighing. Placing my slightly damp handkerchief back inside my pocket, sighing.

"Do I have a crush on him perhaps?" I asked myself before my eyes widened.

"No! That'll never happen! I'm just his bestfriend and he's just my bestfriend! No more, no less."

After I said that, memories of me and Kihyun flashed inside my head as I felt my heart beat faster.

"Here, Sophia! Happy birthday!" Little Kihyun greeted as he handed little me a small box covered with gift paper.

"Thank you a bunch, Kihyunie!" I gave him a side hug before grabbing the gift.

I tore the wrapping paper off from the box and opened the small black box, only to reveal a necklace with a small white bear pendant.

"Wah! It looks so beautiful! Thank again, Kihyunie!" I chirped and carefully got the necklace out from the box as Kihyun was scratching the back of his neck.

"You're welcome... Lemme help you." He said as he took the necklace from a stuggling me and went behind me.

He latched the necklace around my neck and locked it in place, "There."

I turned around, smiling at him widely, "Does it suit me?" He nodded, smiling back.

He suddenly showed me a necklace that's identical to mine but the bear was black,

"I got us matching necklaces with my allowance money."

"Wah~! You're the best, Kihyunie!"

I looked at my neck in the mirror, seeing the necklace he gave me for my  11th birthday. It was still in good shape and I'm thankful for that.

I looked down at the pendant that was currently placed in my palm and asked myself,

"Or more than a bestfriend?"

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