Chapter Four

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No one dared to breathe upon the removal of the mysterious person's mask. It was as if seeing a ghost. Everyone's blood had run cold, and their hair stood on end. They all froze, unable to comprehend what they should say or do. Roman was the one to break the silence.

"V-Virgil?" he managed shakily.

The dark prince turned his head to look at him, eyes narrowed and a shade of deep purple. He looked as though he didn't recognize him, making tears spring to his eyes. "Who are you people?" he asked gruffly, a slight growl in his tone as he looked between the five of them. 

"H-He doesn't recognize us..." Luis breathed, backing away as silent tears rolled down his cheeks. He was taking shuddering breaths as he managed to sit down. Thorn joined him, holding his hand comfortingly as he urged him to remain calm. "H-How..."

The kings looked between each other, both unsure of what to do. Patton had tears shimmering in his eyes, and he looked deathly pale. "We're your family and friends, Virgil," he managed, drawing his attention to him. 

"No you're not. I don't have any. You must be the ones I was sent to kill," the dark prince snapped, looking away with his hateful glare landing on King Logan. "What are you waiting for? Just lock me up or execute me for attempted murder already."

Everyone in the room seemed to be holding their breath, still having difficulty understanding that Virgil was alive and right in front of them. Now, he seemed to have no recollection of who they were or how they were related. Roman's chest was tight as he thought about it, but he fought back his emotions. This was easier as he'd already had a meltdown earlier that evening. Luis however, was much more emotional, hiding his face as he cried into the embrace he was being given by his fiancé. Patton was having trouble containing his emotion, his pain clear on his face, which angered his husband. 

Logan's gaze narrowed. "Prince Virgil, do you know who you are?" he asked firmly. "Do you know where you are, or how you arrived here?" 

He didn't respond, just looking away with disgust in his eyes. When the king continuously got no response, he stood up with a sigh. He looked toward his family. "We need to talk, in private," the king said firmly. "This, this is isn't going to go anywhere right now."

"But we just got Virgil back, you expect me to leave him?" Roman complained, tensing up as he looked at the dark prince. 

"I don't think this is Virgil, Roman," he said, voice low as he crossed the room and ushered them out into the bedroom that it was connected to. Once the door closed, he let out a tense sigh. "I think this is some sort of shape-shifting magic. I don't mean to... kill anyone's hopes, but there's no reasonable explanation for how Virgil would've survived the amount of pressure and stress he put his body through. I don't think this is him, especially considering he doesn't seem to recognize us."

A solemn silence fell over the group as they thought about it. King Logan had a point; how could Virgil have survived that pressure and energy that he'd been forcing his body to absorb and exert? The only trace of him had been his cape, which was torn and ruined. How could Virgil have possibly come out of that alive, and with no visible marks from it?

"So you think he's really gone?" Luis asked quietly. "That this is just some sick trick to get to us?"

Logan nodded uncomfortably, not liking the idea any more than the others in the room. "We have to be reasonable," he said with a sigh. "I don't have any explanation for how Virgil could've survived the events of last year, and I don't have any idea why or who sent this person. They clearly intended to kill us, but they don't seem concerned that they were captured. Perhaps they're just a distraction, or a warning."

The prince bit down on his lip, thinking. "I'm not sure that's what it is," he mumbled as he thought. His eyes widened as a thought came to him. "Wait, what if it is him?"

"What do you mean?" King Patton questioned, looking slightly hopeful.

"It could be him," he said, gesturing to the door where the strange Virgil-lookalike awaited their return. 

His father gave him a look, glaring almost. "Roman, you have to be reasonable," he scolded. "He couldn't have survived the amount of stress that magic put on him, and this has to be some sort of shape-shifting magic or spell. It's your grieving mind that's trying to convince you that he's back."

The prince glared back at him, puffing up his chest as he continued anyway. "I know what I'm talking about," he countered. "During the storm last year, when I found him, he tried to kill me. His eyes were glazed over and purple, and he didn't seem anything like himself, because he wasn't himself. There was someone in his head manipulating him. Whenever I did something to give him more control, his eyes would go back to brown. What if this is really him, but he's being controlled like before?"

There was silence between the five of them as his words sunk in. None of them wanted Virgil to be gone, but the problem with hoping was that it would hurt more if they were wrong. Patton was chewing on the inside of his cheek as he tried to focus. 

"Roman, could you get him to come back?" the king asked him. "If it's him... If you talked to him, could you get him to come back to us?"

He bit down on his lip, unsure. "I don't know, Patton, but I could try at least," the prince said, trying to get his confidence back. "I can try. I'm going to go talk to him. If it's him, I will get him back, I promise; I will get him back."

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