Chapter Eight

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King Logan was pacing thoughtfully, eyes falling on the door that separated them from the dark prince. "What are we even going to do with this Virgil who seems keen to kill us?"

Patton shifted uncomfortably. "Perhaps he can be reasoned with?" he suggested. "We'll have to figure out where he's being kept, and he's been there before. It's just a matter of whether or not we can convince him to tell us."

"On the contrary..." the other king began again, using the same tone that would imply not doing what had been previously suggested. "Perhaps it would be wiser to play it safe and keep him out of the way of harm."

Everyone stared at him in disbelief. "Are you suggesting that we leave him here in the cells supervised by only the guards?" Roman snapped. "Are you out of your mind?! He literally wants to be locked away. If we put him in one of those cells, the second we turn out backs our best chance of finding Virgil will have escaped!"

"That's why there would be guards, Roman," Logan told, speaking to him as if he was an ignorant child. Every person in the room could sense the tension crackling in the air. They could tell the king thought the prince was clueless to the matter at hand.

Heat coursed through his veins as his temper flared up. "As if guards would make a difference! Don't you dare speak to me like you know more about this than I do!" he snarled. "I'm the one person who was able to figure out what was wrong with him when he wouldn't even so much as speak or look at you! I spoke to him and learned what I could about the situation before he needed to wake up! If anyone here has the right to be speaking condescendingly towards the others in this room its me!"

"Roman, go take a walk!" his father told him venomously. "We will be putting Virgil in the cells until we can find out more about this, and that is final! Now go and cool off!"

The prince wanted to scream as he stormed out of the room, eyes hot with tears as he ran towards the gardens. If you do that, we'll lose our best chance at finding him! he yelled at his father in his mind, furious that he was too stubborn to listen to him. 

Roman choked on a sob as he stumbled through the gardens. It was all too heavy. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't see. His chest was too tight, squeezing the little air he was getting out of his lungs far too quickly. This is what Virgil would go through, his mind reminded him as he pulled at his hair and panted, feeling lightheaded. What did I do to calm him down then?

The prince knew the answer, and those things wouldn't work at the moment, seeing as he was alone and didn't want anyone touching him anyway.

He made his way down the path; the one with those willow trees he'd hid behind when his dark prince was sitting on one of the benches, fiddling with the necklace he'd given him. Through the tears he managed to stumble to his knees at the end of the path. "My f-father's so STUPID sometimes!" he snapped at the tree above him, as if it could understand him. If he was truly, truly, honest with himself, Roman thought of the cherry tree as an embodiment of Virgil while he was gone. He'd rant to it, cry to it, sing to it, showing more emotion in front of a tree than his fathers or other family members over the past year. He thought it was pathetic of him, but at least it helped. "Who does he think he is?! Talking to me like a child!! I'm not a CHILD!!"

The hoarseness of his voice unnerved him, as did the way his temper had flared up. He still felt like he couldn't breathe, reaching up to claw at his chest as he gasped for oxygen that his lungs kept refusing.

His whole body had begun to feel numb, making him desperately want to scream and cry out. Roman wanted Virgil. He'd experience minor attacks before, but this was something entirely different and much more horrible than he could've ever imagined. He wanted his dark prince to pull him out of this nightmare, but knew deep down that he wouldn't come.

His dark prince was probably experiencing the same thing he was at the moment, only from within a cage, bounded with chains rather than outside in front of a tree. More tears rolled down his cheeks at the thought.

As those tears hit the ground, forming a small damp spot in the dark path, Roman came to the realization that he'd been bottling up his emotions unintentionally. When's the last time I let myself truly cry over him? Did I ever truly cry over him? he wondered as he took in shaky and staggered breaths. I hope he's okay. I hope that bastard didn't find out about our visit. I hope he didn't hurt him today. I just want things to go back to normal

"T-Things can never go back to normal," he muttered venomously to no one. "Never..."

The prince shook as he let the tears flow. He stopped fighting his emotions, allowing them to expel themselves as needed. He didn't know how long he'd been sitting there sobbing, but the tears steadily came to a stop and he felt calmer. Roman let out a shaky breath as he looked up at the cherry tree.

"I-I... I can't l-let them put you in that prison," he told it, speaking to it as if it was both the physical Virgil in the palace as well as the astral one bound in chains in some unknown location. "I saw the way you were acting back there. I know for a fact that it doesn't matter who we station to watch you, if you're put in that cell you'll break free."

The tree doesn't answer, of course, but it doesn't matter to Roman at that point. He was thinking out loud, trying to sort out what he should do next.

The prince's eyes widened as a thought crossed his mind. The thought became a plan; a plan that had him getting to his feet and wiping his face. "I have an idea," he told the tree before turning and running back toward the palace. He gained his composure, heading inside with haste as he sought out the two people he could trust to help him with his plan. He collided with them as he turned a corner. "Luis! Thorn! Good, just who I need. I have a plan."

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