Chapter Twenty

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Roman sighed heavily as he looked up at the dark colored sky. "I don't like the look of those clouds," he called to the others. "I think we should get moving as soon as possible. The weather was bound to Virgil's emotional state last year, and if that fact holds true now, he could be in danger at this moment."

"While you're correct that he may very well be in danger," the cursed dark prince spoke up, "it's not likely that the weather is actually connected to him."

The other three royals looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" Luis asked. 

"Well, the storm during the events of last year was created by Virgil," he explained, looking mostly at Roman as he spoke. It seemed easier for him to look at the prince than his little brother. "That's how it was connected to him, but in this case, the darkened sky is more likely to be a sign of his captor's progress with his plan."

No one could argue against the cursed Virgil's points, but Thorn frowned and stepped toward him. "I want to know something. Are you trying to help us? Or are you just feeding us bullshit to freak us out?"

Blinking, he replied with a shaking voice. "I-I... I don't really know," he said honestly. "I'm sorry I'm unable to give you a definitive answer, your highness, but my head... it's scrambled..."

The princess looked toward Roman with a face of concern, which the prince mirrored. It was clear that this part of their quest was going to remain unpredictable. They needed to be ready for the cursed Virgil to turn on them, but also acknowledge that he might feel the ties of loyalty he once felt toward them. 

"Alright, let's move out," the prince commanded. 


Virgil's whole body was shaking as he drew his knees up to his chest. After he'd woken up from his brief nap, he'd found himself no longer in the comfortable bed he was in before. He didn't like the idea of being moved while he was unconscious. 

Now he was in a dark room; it was almost impossible for him to see, which wasn't a common problem for the dark prince. As a dark mage, his eyes would naturally adjust to be able to see in the shadows of rooms, but this room was different. The air felt colder, sharper in a way. It almost hurt to inhale it. 

His lungs were burning slightly from his rapid breathing that he was desperately trying to slow. It was difficult, but focusing his thoughts on Roman he was able to take normal breaths again. 

"Since the alternative method didn't work, we're going back to Plan A," an eerily familiar voice rang out. Virgil flinched, looking for the source. It seemed to surround him on all sides. An intense light then shown down on him and it was revealed he was in some sort of observation room. One of the walls was almost entirely a window and on the other side, the dark prince saw his captor and the strange snake-like man. "Plan A but with a twist."

He wasn't sure what he meant, but when he saw the man's lips curl into a sinister smile, he felt fearful chills run up his spine. This wasn't going to be good. 

"Just be sure not to kill or maim him," the snake-man said, making him turn his eyes on him. Virgil felt his throat close up at the thought of being tortured again as it was clear to him in that moment that violence had been Plan A. "He needs him alive, and preferably in one piece-"

"Watch your tongue Scales, I don't take orders from you," his captor snarled. 

He flinched and his eyes widened as the man with the snake eye glared at him. His breath caught in his throat and made his already thundering heart accelerate further when he made eye contact with him. There was something about that man he couldn't put his finger on.

"Fine, but if you go too far with him, you'll be answering to him, not me," he muttered, turning on his heel and stalking out of the room.

His captor huffed and cackled once the snake-like man was gone, turning back to the dark prince with an expression of anticipation and excitement. "Now, we get to the good stuff," he said with a malicious laugh.

"W-What do you want with me?" Virgil whispered. 

His whole body was trembling with fear as he watched the man step closer to the glass. "I want you to cooperate," his captor spat; saliva from his mouth landed on the glass, making him shutter in disgust. "I want to know the weaknesses of the kingdoms and the best way to defeat each of them. I want to know where your precious Roman has gone, because my spies have informed me he's no longer at home."

The dark prince felt his anxiety and fear spike. "I know you have a dream connection with him, Virgil," he continued, smiling. "You will tell me what he's doing."

"I don't know anything," he whispered.

"Wrong response," the man said with a dark chuckle. 

With a snap of his fingers, suddenly Virgil felt like his head was going to explode. He screamed out in pain and collapsed to his knees. "If you tell me the truth, the pain will stop," he said. "If you continue to lie to me, it'll get worse."

"I-I don't know where he is!" Virgil gasped out. 

The man shook his head as he snapped his fingers again. The feeling of building pressure shifted, not just in his head but in his whole body. As though his very veins were on the verge of popping. He screamed, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Just tell me the truth and this pain will stop."

"He's coming to get me!" he gasped, not being able to stand the pain any longer. 

As soon as he said the words, he regretted it, but the pain eased away and slipped unconscious on the floor. 

Savage - Prinxiety [Sequel To "Monster"] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now