Chapter Ten

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When the trio made it to bottom step of the dungeons, they stayed as silent as possible, treading cautiously forward into the halls of the prison. Roman was the oldest prince, so he stood tall and regal, knowing there was nothing the guards could do to stop him. If he gave them an order, they had to obey. 

He led the way past the mostly empty cells. The crime rate of their kingdom was extremely low, hence why the had to pass so many empty cells to get to the actually inhabited ones where Virgil was most likely being held. 

The lanterns on the walls flickered within their glass chambers as the three of them walked along the halls, their footfalls echoing against the cobblestone floor. Luis tried to avoid the eyes of the watchful guards, knowing what they were doing would technically be illegal, despite being royalty. He knew it wouldn't go down well among their guests if they were to find out that the three of them had helped the supposed assassin escape from prison and then disappeared with him. 

They turned a corner, seeing him at the end of the hall, sitting on the bench, on leg hanging off of it while the other was bent on top of it. He was staring out the barred window, looking deep in thought.

"There he is," Roman murmured, sounding out of breath. He inhaled heavily and turned to face his two companions. "Okay, I'm going to go speak with him. Thorn, I need you to incapacitate the guards with your powers, just knock them out, they've done nothing wrong, simply doing their jobs. Once I get him to agree, I'll melt the bars to the cell and the bars on the window. Luis, we're close enough to the ocean that you should be able to use your powers to bust open a wall. From there, we'll run for the stables, which will be relatively unguarded because the guards will be running for the prison. We take our horses and we head for the woods. All clear?"

Luis and Thorn nodded, agreeing to the plan. It seemed straightforward enough. With an affirmative nod, the older prince turned led the way down the corridor, alerting the two guards standing in front of the cell containing the dark prince.

"Your Highnesses, what are you doing down here?" one of them asked in confusion. 

"My apologies sirs, you're doing a great job, but we've got a prince to save," Roman replied, snapping his fingers. Thorn raised her hands which were glowing with a peachy light; the guards' eyes glazed over and they slumped to the ground, fast asleep. "Good, you two watch for any more guards coming to check the cell." 

The couple nodded and carried the guards away, positioning themselves down the hallway enough to see if anyone was coming and to be out of earshot from Roman and Virgil. 

Speaking of Virgil, he'd looked up upon seeing them approach, watching with intrigue in his gaze as they'd knocked out the guards. The prince stepped up to stand directly in front of the bars of the cell. "That doesn't seem like a thing a prince like you should be doing," the dark prince mumbled, raising an eyebrow at him. "Come to swoon over the boy you can't ever have?"

"Look," Roman growled, grabbing a bar as he made his voice commanding. "I know you know where the real Virgil is being kept. I want you to take me to him."

He scoffed, shaking his head and causing his bangs to wave over his eyes in a way that had always made his heart flutter. "And why would I do that? I'd be leading you to my master, and his hide out, and I don't think he'd like that very much," Virgil replied. 

"See, you're missing an opportunity," the prince countered. The prisoner cocked his head to the side, showing he was listening. "If you're so confident in your master, and your own powers, a couple of mages like me and my friends should be an easy fight for you two to win. You'd be doing your master a huge favor by bring us to him. He could get rid of us once and for all himself."

Virgil looked thoughtful, pursing his lips. "I'm also the only one that can save the real Virgil, because I can talk to him and I can connect with him in ways that no one else can," he continued. "I'm his greatest threat, and you'd be eliminating that."

"Fair enough," he replied. "So if you bust me out of here, I take you to my master, he kills you three, the end?"

Roman grinned, knowing he'd accomplished what he'd planned. "Sure, that's one way this could end, do we have a deal?" he asked, sticking his hand through the prison bars for the dark prince to shake. He stood from his bench and crossed the cell to stand directly in front of him, a crooked smile crossing his lips. He took his hand and shook it. "Good. Luis! Thorn!"

The two mages turned at their names, realizing he'd succeeded and hurrying over to join him. He placed his hands on the bars, feeling them heat up beneath his hands and eventually melt away. With no barrier between them and the cursed Virgil, Roman stepped forward and handcuffed his hands together. "Oh, did I mention you can't attack any of us until we get to your master's palace?" he added as he crossed the cell to the window. "I don't think he'd be very pleased if his pupil killed his target before he could."

Virgil shrugged, looking indifferent to the handcuffs as Roman melted the bars on the window as well. "Okay, Luis, your cue," the prince said, turning to the water mage. 

He nodded and focused on the large body of water only a few yards away. With an aggressive motion of his hands, a jet of water burst through the now bar-less window. Glass littered the now wet floor, but they didn't hesitate to jump through the hole in the wall with haste.

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