Chapter Five

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Roman swallowed nervously as he sat down across from the dark prince. He looked up upon sensing the movement, the hatred in his gaze shocking the prince to the point where he almost gasped. He'd never seen Virgil look at him like that, and he never wanted to see it again. "H-Hey Virge," he began, voice wavering slightly. His eyes widened a little, making the prince's hopes rise. "Do you recognize me?"

"No," he snapped. "I don't know you. I'm supposed to have killed you."

It took all his will not to cry at his words. Roman took a deep breath, looking away as he felt a sharp pain in his heart. He doesn't know you... he doesn't remember all you've been through, or how you feel, his mind told him. Virgil doesn't care about you anymore.

That's when the prince got an idea. This might not be Virgil... he thought, looking back at the dark prince glaring at him.

"How'd you get your necklace?" Roman asked curiously, swallowing the lump in his throat. The boy in front of him visibly flinched at the question, claiming he found it. The prince shook his head. "That's not true. I gave it to you, remember Virge?"

The dark prince's eyes were wide and wild with anger and hate, mixed with something he couldn't place. It didn't matter at the moment, because he was answering his questions. "Where have you been for the past year?" he asked, feeling a stab of pain in remembering how long he'd thought he'd never see him again. "If you've been alive, why didn't you come back?"

"I don't know what you're taking about, I don't know you!" Virgil snapped, pulling on the restraints slightly.

Roman's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, his instincts telling him to keep this up. "No, you just don't want to tell me. Earlier you asked why we hadn't locked you up or executing you for attempted murder," he repeated, staring into his hateful eyes. "You want us to lock you up, don't you?"

Virgil glared at him, eyes fleeting to the side before meeting his again. "Why would I want that? I just assumed you were going to," he growled. The prince shook his head.

"You're lying," he said, growing more confident. "Virgil always looks to the side when he lies. I'd know because you would lie to me every time I'd ask you if you were alright. Every time you told me you were fine. You want us to lock you up; why?"

The dark prince looked furious and somehow scared now. Roman realized something, eyes widening. "It's because you don't want to see me, isn't it?" he asked, voice dropping.

"W-Why would I care about seeing you?! For the last time, I don't know you!!" he yelled, struggling against his restraints. Everyone was silent as they listened the interaction, lost to what the prince was doing and too in shock to go in and interject.

Roman knew he was onto something now, smirking. "Yes you do," he said confidently. Virgil stared at him with wide and crazed eyes as he continued. "You do and you know it. You're under someone's control, aren't you? And that someone knows that I'm the one that would be able to break it. You don't want to see me because you know you're not truly him and you don't want me to get him out, because he's in there, isn't he?"

He leaned forward again so that their faces were inches apart as he stared at him. "Isn't he?" he asked quietly. "You're hiding him from me. You're trying to use him as a weapon against us, but I promise you it won't work. I won't stop until I get him back, hear me?!"

The prince purposefully raised his voice at the end to get a reaction. Virgil flinched, and for a moment, just a moment, his eyes turned brown. Roman smile triumphantly, nodding.

"I knew it. You're in there, Virgil."

Roman's heart was pounding in his chest as he stood from his chair to address the others in the other room. "It's him," he told them with confidence as he opened the door. "Virgil's in there, he's just... trapped or something."

"How can you be so sure?" King Logan questioned curiously.

"His eyes, his mannerisms, his words," the prince said with a head shake, smiling joyfully. He reached up to brush away a tear of joy. "He's in there..."

Luis, who was still crying, got up and hugged him tightly, sighing in relief. Roman held him for as long as he needed before pulling away. "It may take some difficulty getting him back, but I know he's in there," he continued, turning to the explain to the kings. "His eyes- just now, they turned brown when I raised my voice about getting him back."

"If he'd been under control before, how'd you bring him back before?" Patton asked, eyes wide with anticipation of getting his son back.

The prince flushed bright red as he looked back toward the door, thinking about how beyond it sat Virgil tied up. He was sure he was breathing heavily and looked livid... that his eyes were narrowed, dark purple, and fleeting around the room anxiously. "That's the thing, I don't know if what I did will work this time," Roman said, shaking his head. "Before, the person had just been in his mind and influencing him, but this... this feels different."

"It's worth a shot," Thorn said, shrugging helplessly as she stood next to Luis. "If it doesn't work we can at least scratch it off the list."

Roman sighed, knowing they were right but still not wanting to go through with it. He had a very strong feeling it wouldn't work. Whatever was keeping Virgil from him this time wasn't just influencing his mind and decisions. It felt as though it was actively holding him back.

Still, the prince opened the door, closed it behind him, and made his way back over to the dark prince. His gaze landed on him with anger and fear evident in it. "G-Get away from me," he spat, making his heart clench.

"I know this probably won't work this time, Virgil," he murmured as he reached out to cup his cheek. At his touch, the dark prince stilled, looking at him with wide eyes. "But at the very least, let it give you strength, and remember that I will never give up on you. Never."

Before he could reply, Roman pressed their lips together. It felt wrong. He felt a strange prickling in his lips, uncomfortable to the point of being painful. Virgil froze up, and didn't respond as he pulled away to look into his eyes. They were wide and unblinking, but still dark purple. Roman sighed with a shake of his head. "I knew it... it didn't work," he said as he stood up. "Something's keeping him back."

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