Chapter Twenty-Two

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Roman's blood was rushing through his veins at an alarming speed as he stared at the man before him. He wasn't positive his eyes were seeing clearly. He seemed hazy, blurry almost. The prince was having trouble making out the features of his face. 

He could see dark hair and a smirk across his lips. When it grew to show his teeth, he thought he could make out fangs. The only thing he was certain about while looking at the man was his eyes; they were blood red. His vision seemed to trip whenever he met them, everything apart from the two eyes swimming blurring.

The prince shook out his head as a throbbing started in the back of his skull. "What the hell?" he muttered, looking toward his companions. They seemed to be having similar trouble with the looking at the person before them. "Who are you?"

"That... is a question you will never know the answer to," the man said. Roman felt his voice echoing through his entire body like a vibration. "Because you will be dead."

He raised his hand and snapped. It sounded like a crack of thunder that shook the entire mountain. They covered their ears as a strange ringing filled them. Roman's vision was swimming as he fought the pain that was swelling in his head. He felt himself blacking out which caused him to panic. 

No, no, no, we're so close! We can't lose now! he thought desperately as he gasped for breath. He clenched his jaw and sucked a breath through his teeth. The prince looked toward his companions, who were already passed out on the ground. No! I won't stop now!

He fought against the pain, looking up at the man in front of him. A deep laugh came from his throat as he stared at the struggling prince. "Oh, you're a fighter," he commented. "Well, unfortunately for you Roman, you can't resist me. I'm what sets everything in to motion. I cannot be stopped, not even by a hero like you."

The man clapped his hands and Roman passed out.


When the prince came to, he was in a room he'd never seen before. He was surprised to find that he wasn't tied up, and neither were his companions, but the cursed Virgil that had been unconscious during the exchange was gone. Roman felt the panic setting in as he looked between Thorn and Luis on the ground next to him. 

Were they going to die because of him? He had pushed them to come with him to save Virgil without a real plan, and now they were captured. What had he done?

He exhaled shakily as he pulled his knees to his chest. "Roman?" someone said shakily. Luis had recovered and was looking at him with wide, scared eyes. He suddenly remembered how much younger he was than him, his engagement to Thorn, his future. There was so much on the line for him, and he'd put it all at risk to save his brother. His lip was quivering as his eyes became glossy. "A-Are... are we going to die?"

"No, no, Luis," he replied, forcing a smile. He offered a hug to the younger prince and Luis hugged him tightly. "I won't let them hurt you, it's going to be okay."

Thorn came to a few minutes later. She sat up and rubbed her head, looking toward the two of them blankly. Her eyes didn't hold the fear Roman expected to see. They were expressionless. "Thorn, are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just thinking about how badly I want to kill that son of a bitch," the princess muttered as she stood up.

The two princes followed suit and began to look around the room they were in. The walls were made of black stone bricks, and there was a eerie green glow coming from the torches the lined the walls. There was a set of double doors in front of them that Roman headed towards. 

"Seriously? Why bother? You really think they're just gonna leave them open?" Thorn snapped. 

He tugged on the heavy metal handles and the door creaked open toward them. He couldn't help the smug smirk he sent toward the princess. She rolled her eyes and exited the room, the other two following closely behind. 

They found themselves in a tunnel that led to a large room with two doors. The three of them stopped and looked between the two of them, confused by which direction they should take. "In order to progress, one of you must go through the door on the right," a chillingly familiar voice sounded around them. "Through it awaits a maze. One of you must go through it in order to unlock the left door for the other two. You may decide who will go through it."

"Will the person who goes through the maze be killed?" Roman demanded, looking around for the source of the body-less voice. There was no response. "Alright, I'll do the maze and you two go ahead to save Virgil."

Luis shook his head, stepping forward with determination. "No, I'll do the maze."

He stopped and looked at him. "Luis, I said I wouldn't let anything happen to you, you can't-"

"Don't tell me I can't, Roman," he said forcefully. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Virgil is my brother and you need to understand that you're not the only one willing to die for him. I want you to be the one to save him, and if doing this will allow you that, I'm doing it."

Thorn stepped forward, now looking very emotional and upset. "Luis, you... we don't know what will happen to you," she said, taking his hands. "You could die."

"I know that, but you have healing magic and Roman is a natural born hero," the younger prince said, smiling sadly at his fiance. "Of the three of this, I have the least amount to contribute to this quest. I need to do this, Thorn."

She blinked rapidly and nodded, seemingly trying to fight back her emotions. "Okay... just..." she whispered. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss; Roman respectfully diverted his eyes. She hugged him tightly after they pulled away. "Please don't die."

"Such little faith in me, my love," he teased, pulling away as she forced a painful laugh. He looked toward Roman. "You have to promise me that no matter what happens, you'll save him."

The prince nodded to him. "I promise, Luis, but you have to promise me that you'll come back alive to see him home," he said, approaching him and putting his hands on his shoulders. The younger prince sighed and gave him a look; they both knew he couldn't promise that. Roman sighed too and hugged him tightly. He then murmured into his ear. "If you don't, I promise he'll know how much he meant to you, but please come back."

"I'll try my best," Luis whispered back. 

They then pulled away and the younger of the two princes headed toward the door on the right. He took a deep breath and pulled open the door. None of them could see what lied before him, but Luis took a deep breath and entered the darkness, the door slamming shut behind him. 

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