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The atmosphere in the Gilbert house was vastly different on Sunday afternoon than it was the last time Harry was over. There wasn't a need for Stephanie to usher her family to the park, so rather than a quiet, calm home, the house was its normal chaotic scene. 

When Harry leaned on the doorbell shortly before two, Olivia was standing at the top of the stairs, holding a screaming toddler in her arms. Her sister was in the middle of moderating World War III between the girls and Jeff was trying to pack for his upcoming road trip.

"Steph, I have to go!" Olivia called impatiently, bouncing Jase on her hip, and seeming to irritate him more. For being just two, Jase knew when his dad was getting ready to leave and he didn't handle it well. Today was no exception.

"I don't care if Barbie told you to; she did not want a bath in the toilet!"

Olivia groaned and, not wanting to leave Harry out on the porch – though not wanting to subject him to the ensuing circus – darted down the stairs and pulled open the door.

"Hi!" she greeted, the sight of his handsome face causing a wide grin to break out across her lips. Jase, however, had the opposite reaction. He assumed that Olivia was taking him far away from his house and his parents. He reached out and braced his pudgy hand on the doorjamb, letting out an ear-splitting shriek. Olivia winced at the sound, somewhat amazed that such a powerful sound could come from someone so tiny and – sometimes –cute.

"Hi, yourself," Harry answered, his dimpled grin seguing into a wince matching Olivia's. He laughed at Jase, reaching out to tickle the bottom of his bare foot. The toddler whimpered, snuggling closer to Olivia as the strange man spoke to him. "It's okay, bub," he told Jase, the coo in his voice sounding adorable to Olivia. "I'm just going to give your pretty auntie a kiss, okay?"

Harry met Olivia's eyes and grinned at her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. Olivia smiled against Harry's lips, elated that he didn't want to wait to kiss her. After spending so much time against his lips the last time they were together, she didn't know how long she could wait to do it again. She braced her hand against Harry's chest and reminded herself to keep a grip on her nephew, who was quiet as he watched Harry and Olivia, his eyes darting back and forth between the pair.

Harry let out a laugh, pulling away from Olivia for just a moment before pressing his lips against hers again. "I didn't want to wait," he admitted with a chuckle, tightening his grip around her waist.

"Good, because I didn't want to either," Olivia beamed, standing on her tiptoes to kiss Harry. She again wondered how it was possible to feel this way after knowing someone just a short time. Jase had decided he was no longer fascinated by the actions of his aunt and the stranger, and remembered he'd been having a tantrum which he started again.

"Sorry, little man," Harry added to Jase, poking the child's round belly. 

Jase let out another whiny whimper, and Olivia gave Harry's hand a reassuring pat. "He's not the happiest of campers today," she told him unnecessarily, shifting Jase higher on her hip. "I'm just going to go get rid of him," she added, gesturing towards the stairs. Harry nodded before Olivia ascended the stairs, bursting into the bedroom her nieces shared.

"Violet, I cannot understand you when you bark like a dog," Stephanie was saying as she sat cross-legged on the floor, her daughters in front of her. Olivia plopped Jase on the floor beside his mom, wondering if Stephanie even noticed.

"I'm out of here," she announced, disappearing from the bedroom before Stephanie could answer. After popping across the hall to say a quick goodbye to her brother-in-law, who wouldn't be home until after Olivia had left, she bounded back down the stairs, giddy as she saw Harry waiting for her.

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