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"Nooo..." Olivia groaned out as Harry stirred beside her, stretching his legs out and nudging her side with his elbow. "Leave me alone." She draped her arm over her eyes, blocking out the sun streaming through the windows. She didn't know what time it was, but she felt as though she could sleep for another eighty hours, have breakfast, a shower with her boy, and then curl up for a nice nap.

Harry rolled over, grinning as he faced Olivia. "You're grumpy in London," he commented, kissing her forehead. "It's a lovely day, plus I gave you some sweet, sweet loving last night. You should wake up... overjoyed. Enraptured. Tickled pink, even," he added thoughtfully, tickling Olivia's side as he said the word.

Olivia groaned, swatting Harry's hand away. She wasn't a morning person. "I would be if I didn't have to waste the entire day with your sister," she said, frowning. She would be lying if she said she wasn't excited about the prospect of purchasing a designer dress – she wasn't much of a shopper, but Louis Vuitton could lure even Olivia – but she wished she didn't have to try on dresses with Gemma and her snide comments waiting in the wings.

"It won't be a waste," Harry promised, pulling Olivia's arm from her eyes. He leaned closer to her, pressing a lazy morning kiss against her lips. "You'll be the best of friends after today. You'll hold hands and skip through wildflowers, and braid each other's hair... or whatever girls do..."

Olivia snickered, rolling her eyes at Harry. "You're an idiot..." she mused before letting out a sigh. "I... will try, though," she promised Harry, sighing again. It would be difficult to prove to Gemma that she was in love with Harry – what was she supposed to do, erect a billboard stating her feelings in the middle of Times Square? – but her effort would mean a lot to Harry, and she would do anything to make him happy.

"Thank you," Harry replied, sounding relieved. He nuzzled his head against Olivia's breasts, his eyes closing again. "I am sort of regretting forcing you to go with her, though..." he murmured against her skin. "This would be a way better way to spend the day..."

Olivia snickered, massaging her fingers through his unruly hair. "That's what I'm saying," she answered, wishing her was being serious. She had just closed her eyes again when Harry's popped open, and he sat up straight, shaking Olivia's shoulders.

"Go get your hot little ass into the shower," he told her, his words almost inaudible over Olivia's loud groan. "I'll make you some coffee... God knows you need it," he teased.

Olivia reached out, swatting Harry's bare bottom as he jumped from the bed, grabbing a pair of boxers as he bounded from the room. His laughter echoed down the stairs, and Olivia groaned again. She loathed how much energy he had in the morning.

Olivia flipped the covers off her, trudging into the bathroom. She yawned as she stepped into the shower, smacking at the wall until the stream of water cascaded over her. She examined the bottles lined up on the shelf, searching for familiarity – Harry's hair care products had a lot of foreign words on them. Schampo was close enough to shampoo, so she played her odds and squeezed a dollop into her hands. It seemed to work.

Olivia sat on the floor of the shower, resting her head against the wall as she let the conditioning cream take effect. She tried not to overthink about her impending day with Gemma, but it was taking over her mind. She never cared before if people liked her or not, but it bothered her to no end that Gemma disliked her so strongly, without warrant. If Olivia was what Gemma believed she was, her dislike would make sense. But she wasn't, which made the abhorrence even more annoying.

"What are you doing?"

Harry's booming voice startled her and she looked up, meeting his eyes as he opened the shower door. "Better not be falling asleep in here, pretty girl," he teased her, eyeing up her wet body.

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