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During a lengthy shower, Harry determined Olivia's breasts were definitely filthy, and he needed to scrub them over and over. After the shower, the two of them found themselves curled up together in Harry's bed, the aroma of grapefruit and amber wafting from their skin. They had found a movie to play, but neither were paying much attention to the film. They knew it was their last evening together for the foreseeable future, and they wanted to focus on each other.

"You know what's weird about Humpty Dumpty?" asked Harry, his question coming from out of the blue as he wound locks of Olivia's hair together. She was certain she would have a monster knot at the end, but she loved his fingers gently brushing against her scalp, and didn't even care about the mess.

"Uhm..." Olivia began, drawing the word out before punctuating it with a laugh. "I can't pick just one thing!" she teased him, nudging his bare stomach. How Harry's mind worked tickled her – she didn't know what he'd caused him to ask her about a nursery rhyme character, but she adored his goofy randomness.

"Right?" he agreed, twisting a handful of Olivia's hair into a bun shape before letting it fall against her shoulder. "But... listen to this. No one ever says he's an egg! He's just this broken apart... thing. He could be a giraffe!"

Olivia scoffed, lifting her chin and looking up at Harry before shaking her head. "You're a nut," she determined. "He's an egg! They say he's an egg..." she added, reciting the rhyme in her head.

"Uh-uh," Harry countered, shaking his head. "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall..." he quoted, tapping his hand against Olivia's arm in time with his words. "Humpty Dumpty had a great fall... All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again..."

Olivia snickered, hearing Harry's proud grin behind his words, though she couldn't see his face. "And... and... Humpty Dumpty was an egg," she free-styled, giggling through her words. "So... when he fell and broke his..., uhm... leg... All the king's horses and all the king's men... Uhm... scrambled him up and... and... threw him in a pan!" she finished with pride, twisting her body to face Harry, grinning at him.

Harry laughed at Olivia's attempt to prove him wrong, his giggle erupting out at least eight octaves higher than his usual baritone. "Jesus!" he cackled, snickering as he pressed a kiss against Olivia's forehead. "Not bad," he chuckled. "I mean, completely wrong, but... nice little free-style there," he added, laughing again.

Olivia flicked her hair over her shoulder, feigning arrogance. "Well, I moonlight as a rapper, so..." She shrugged before pointing a finger at Harry. "Don't go stealing my sick rap, either," she warned him. "It's copy-written."

Harry held his hands up. "I would never," he answered, pretending to be aghast at her suggestion. "Though it may difficult to get that amazing prose out of my head," he teased, wrapping his arms around Olivia and resting his head against hers. "You're goofy," he mumbled against her hair, tightening his grip on Olivia.

She laughed, relaxing her back against his chest. "You're Pluto," she countered, running her hands along his strong arms before entwining her fingers with his.

"You're... Mars..."

Olivia giggled, toying with Harry's fingers. "You're Kit-Kat."

Harry brushed a kiss against Olivia's neck, laughing against her ear. "You're beautiful," he whispered to her, massaging his fingers along her wrists.

Olivia smiled at his compliment, hoping the butterflies she felt when he praised her never stopped fluttering. Still, she couldn't help being a little sassy. "You wrecked the game," she told him, clicking her tongue with disapprove.

"Sorry, sweetheart," Harry laughed, not sounding apologetic at all. "Just hard to think of something better than Kit-Kat."

Olivia gasped, turning to face Harry, her eyes wide. "Are you saying you're a loser?" she breathed, as though she didn't believe him. She held her hand up, waiting for a high five. "Just like me!"

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