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The loud rumble of a garbage truck outside roused Olivia from her slumber, her eyes popping open as she heard scraping metal and shouts back and forth between the city workers. She stretched out her legs, realising she felt incredibly rested. She'd never been a great sleeper when sharing a bed with a partner, so that she didn't wake up kinked and exhausted surprised her.

Olivia wiggled out of Harry's grasp and turned to look at him. He stirred as Olivia's warm body pulled away from his chest, his brow furrowed. His lips, dry from sleep, jutted out in a small pout. Olivia smiled as she looked at his hair, tousled and standing straight up as though he'd stuck a fork in a light socket. Somehow, he resembled a sleepy toddler, and yet looked sexy at the same time.

And he was all hers.

The thought still terrified her – opening herself up to someone and trusting them with her feelings was something she wasn't used to doing. But Harry had asked her to trust him, so trusting him was what she would do – even though she might have to remind herself to. But as she looked down at the boy lying beside her and remembered all the things he'd said to her, and the sincerity in his voice, she realised that while he was fully capable of breaking her heart, she couldn't imagine him doing anything to hurt her.

Smiling at the thought, she cuddled against Harry again, pressing her chest against his as she captured his lips against hers. His eyelids fluttered at the sense of her touch, flickering open. Heavy with sleep, Harry blinked his eyes a couple times as he focused on Olivia's face, giving her a lazy smile.

"Hi, my girl," he greeted her, his voice gravelly but his words sounding sweet as honey. He draped his arm across the small of Olivia's back, pulling himself closer to her as he let out a contented sigh.

"I like waking up with you..." he mumbled after a moment, dropping a kiss against Olivia's forehead as he squeezed her tighter. "How did you sleep?"

"Perfect," Olivia assured him. "Even with all of your snoring," she teased him, though relieved it was just a tease and Harry didn't snore. It wouldn't be a deal-breaker, not by far, but it would put a kink in any future slumber parties.

"I don't," Harry told Olivia, his tone sounding defensively whiny. "Right?" he questioned after a pause.

Olivia snickered. "Like a pig sawing logs," she joked, kissing his collarbone. "Good thing you're cute..." she added, pulling away from Harry and flashing him a sassy grin. "Otherwise..." She lifted her arm and made a fist, tapping it against his shoulder.

"Oww..." Harry whined dramatically, clutching his shoulder. "You're so abusive already..." he pouted. He cuddled closer to Olivia and rested against her breasts.

"I have to establish dominance from the start," Olivia teased, her cheek settling against Harry's floppy hair. He laughed, his breath bouncing against her cleavage.

"Like 50 Shades stuff?" he wondered, his voice still sounding sleepy but the hint of a smirk clear in his tone.

"Gross," Olivia commented, making a face that Harry couldn't see, hoping he wasn't into the kinky fetishes featured in the book series. "No... like... I'm dominant like... I always get to pick the restaurant."

"Hmm..." Harry hummed, appearing to mull it over. "Can I grab your boobs in the cab?" He wondered, putting his own offer on the table.

"Ma-aa-aybe," Olivia mused, though she'd let Harry grab her breasts almost anywhere. "Can I steal bites of your dessert, even though I'll insist I don't want any?"

Harry chuckled at the accuracy of her comment. "That's pushing it, love," he teased her, tickling the small of Olivia's back. "But... I suppose you've got a deal. Just because you're sort of pretty," he added, pulling himself back up to Olivia's eye level. He smirked at her, running his hands through her tangled hair before dropping a light kiss against the bridge of her nose.

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