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Olivia stood in the doorway, gawking at the leggy popstar. Any bit of social etiquette she may have had flew out the window. It wasn't until Taylor scoffed impatiently that Olivia took a slight step back. Taylor let out another snicker, shoving her scrawny body past Olivia into the house. Olivia stumbled backwards, her eyes widening at Taylor's audacity.

"Sorry..." Olivia looked up, noticing just then that Taylor had a giraffe-like friend hiding in the shadows behind her. The friend whispered the apology as she stepped into the house behind Taylor, a sheepish look on her face. "She insisted..."

Olivia crossed her arms over her chest, scowling at the two girls as Harry rounded the corner into the entryway. His jaw dropped as he found himself face-to-face with his ex-girlfriend, but he quickly composed himself.

"Hello Taylor," he greeted politely, after a few beats passed. "Karlie," he added, directing his comment to Taylor's friend. "What's, uhm... what are you two up to?" he asked, stepping closer to Olivia and tucking his arm around her waist, squeezing reassuringly. Her fat rolls being squeezed while in front of two women who combined, were still smaller than Olivia, was far from reassuring, and she felt her back stiffen at his touch.

"Oh, you know..." Taylor answered airily, letting her hand trace along a painting on the wall as she stepped closer to Harry. "Saw you were having a party, and... well, we always had such fun together, didn't we?" she asked, widening her eyes innocently and looking up at Harry from under her lashes. "Thought we'd come see an old friend... and see his... new friend..." Taylor added, the words caked with distaste as she voiced them. She let her gaze wander slowly from Olivia's head to her feet and back again, her eyebrows raised as though to question Harry's choice.

Olivia let out a quiet scoff, rolling her eyes as the little girl tried to intimidate her. Harry echoed Olivia's snicker, though there was no malice behind his. "This is Olivia," he said to Taylor and Karlie. "My girlfriend," he added, turning and beaming at Olivia. "Liv, this is Taylor and Karlie," he told Olivia.

"It's nice to meet you," Karlie said with a smile. At least she didn't seem wretched.

"Mm-hmm..." Taylor hummed, looking back and forth between Harry and Olivia. "So you're the food blogger then?" she asked, the disdain still clear in her voice.

"That was just a rumour," Harry interjected quickly. Pictures and stories had filled social media just weeks prior, insisting a blonde food blogger from London was Harry's new girlfriend. Even though Olivia knew it wasn't true, it was still difficult to see stories about her boyfriend with another girl. Not to mention, Harry's so-called "fans" tore this girl apart. It showed her how they would react when they found out about her, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Hmm..." Taylor hummed again, sounding bored. "My bad. You just... look like a food blogger..." she added, her tone sounding kinder, but her gaze settling on Olivia's stomach, as if to say you look like you eat a lot.

"Olivia's a teacher," Harry corrected Taylor, not picking up on Taylor's subtle dig. He gave Olivia's side another squeeze – though she knew he was trying to be comforting, she felt anything but comforted as he drew attention to her belly.

"I'm going to get a drink," Olivia announced, shaking herself from Harry's arms. She didn't need to stand while being scrutinised by Taylor Swift, and if Harry was going to allow the girls to stay –which Olivia could almost guarantee he would – she would need more alcohol.

Olivia stomped into the kitchen, making a racket as she pawed through the cupboards for a glass. She was agitated, the unwelcomed visitors clearly influencing her. She pulled open the fridge and grabbed a new bottle of wine before forcefully closing the fridge. Olivia slammed the bottle onto the counter, rooting through the drawer for the corkscrew.

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