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"Can you just stop thinking about tomorrow?" Harry asked, chuckling as he reached across the backseat of the sedan to grab Olivia's hand. She scowled in response, causing Harry to laugh again. "You're kind of being a bit dramatic, love," he added, squeezing her hand.

Olivia rolled her eyes, knowing she was being dramatic but not wanting to admit it. "You can't just spring shit like that on me all willy-nilly and think I'll be okay with it," Olivia hissed under her breath, though letting Harry keep a hold of her hand.

Harry laughed again. "Willy-nilly?" he repeated. "Are you eighty-seven years old?"

"By the time I forgive you, yes, I will be eighty-seven years old," Olivia countered back, huffing out a sigh. Harry had convinced himself that and shopping trip would end the feud that had started between Gemma and Olivia, but Olivia was far from convinced. So much so, she planned on getting herself annihilated on liquor the moment they stepped foot into Harry's home, ensuring she would be too hungover the next day to go anywhere with Gemma.

"Oh, come off it," Harry laughed. "You'll have fun. You two can bond over shit-talking me. I reckon my adorable quirks have irritated the both of you on a regular basis," he told Olivia, pulling her hand towards his mouth and pressing his lips against her knuckles.

"Why are you so entertained by this idea?" Olivia asked, giving Harry's cheek a gentle swat with her kissed hand. "I know exactly how tomorrow will go. Gemma will not say a single word, save for insulting any dress I try on, and then she'll scoff and roll her eyes as soon as I use your credit card to pay for my dress! It's all the things she doesn't like about me just... rolled into one stupid event!"

Harry rolled his eyes at Olivia's hysteria. "You're being ridiculous," he told her. "Everyone else thought it was a good idea," he reminded Olivia. While still on the plane, Harry told Glenne, Jeff and Anne about his big plan for the two girls to shop together and bond. While they told Harry it was a good idea, Olivia could read Anne and Glenne's faces, and neither of them appeared to agree with Harry.

"Sure..." Olivia answered, mimicking Harry's eye roll. After Harry dropped the shopping bombshell, Olivia was furious, but she tried not to let it ruin the rest of the flight. There were too many hours between Harry's Great Idea and Heathrow Airport to have unnecessary tension on the plane. She continued to cuddle with Harry, laugh with him and hold his hand. But the moment the plane landed and the two of them climbed into a sleek town car waiting to take them to Harry's home in Hampstead Heath, Olivia laid into him. He was divinely handsome and incredibly sweet, but he was certainly stupid.

"They did!" Harry protested. "Because it is a good idea!"

Olivia sighed. "Well... it's absolutely not, but..." She shrugged her shoulders in Harry's direction. "I like how you're trying, anyway... I don't want to talk about it anymore," she added, holding a finger up to Harry's face, "but that's not me saying you're right. It's just me tabling this stupid conversation."

Harry flashed Olivia a wide grin. "Whatever you say, sweetheart," he cooed, slinging his arm across Olivia's shoulders. "But you'll have fun, and then I'll be waiting to hear those two lovely words..."

"Fuck off?" Olivia asked, giving Harry a cheeky smile.

Harry snorted. "More like fuck me," he whispered into her ear, causing goosebumps to cover Olivia's arms and a tingle run through her stomach. Their love life had been lackluster since Harry's accident and Olivia was feeling the heat – both from Harry and her loins. But Harry's leg was healing well and his doctor assured Harry and Olivia that copulation was perfectly fine – a fact Harry wouldn't let Olivia forget. She hated seeing his injury equipment at the Los Angeles house, and found them to be a massive turn off, but since the equipment was not in the London home, Olivia was certain she'd have no trouble getting frisky with her hot boyfriend.

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