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Despite her abhorrence over losing, Olivia let out a laugh as Harry tugged on her dress strap, allowing him to pull her towards him. "Loser?" she scoffed against his lips. "I told you, I let you win!"

"Ohhh, I know you did, sweetheart," Harry cooed, appeasing Olivia as he weaved his hands through her hair. "Thank you for being such a terrible Scrabble player..." he murmured, wrapping her legs around her seated body. "I mean... such a great fibber, so I'm able to do whatever I want to you..."

"That's exactly why," agreed Olivia, wrapping her legs around Harry's body. She'd never had someone make her forget about losing a game so fast, but as Harry's lips pressed against Olivia's and caressed her tongue with his own, she wasn't surprised she couldn't think of the game any longer. She drank him in, her hands wandering up his back as his mouth danced across her skin, his lips finding a cosy home against her neck.

"Come here, love," he murmured, lifting his body onto the couch behind him and pulling Olivia up after him. She scooted onto the soft sofa, settling herself against the armrest as Harry crawled himself up her body. His beautiful face – lustful, yet shy – hovered above hers, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"You really are beautiful, you know?" Harry asked. He captured Olivia's lips before she could respond. "Is this... okay?" he added, pulling away from Olivia and sounding hesitant.

She snickered at him. "No, it's awful," she joked, nudging him away. "Like, can you not? Cooties..." she teased before brushing her lips against his. He responded by parting his lips, allowing Olivia's tongue to tease against them before pulling away again.

"Just, uhm... don't think this is all I'm about, okay," he asked, recalling her comment from earlier. "Just because I can't keep my hands off you," he added with a bashful grin.

Olivia crinkled her face. "I don't think that," she assured him, ashamed that she'd even said it. "I was... kind of just being a girl, and... wanting you to say what I wanted to hear," she confessed to him. "Promise," she added for good measure.

Harry grinned. "Good," he determined, dropping a sweet kiss against the tip of her nose before settling on her lips. He kissed her, holding her close as his tongue flicked against hers. Gripping her hips, his kisses intensified with passion, devouring Olivia's eager mouth. She arched her back and rocked her hips against Harry's, his thriving arousal against her.

His hands moved up from her hips, pushing her dress up over her stomach, exposing her breasts. He massaged his hands against her chest, igniting a raspy moan from Olivia's throat. Her back arched again, pushing her full chest against his hands. Harry leaned down and traced light kisses along her throat and collarbone, his lips dancing down her chest and into the valley of her breasts. Her skin tingled, goosebumps rising along her arm as her fingers entwined in his hair. Her nipples hardened, expecting Harry's mouth against them.

Harry pulled the first swollen nub between his lips and sucked with a gentle motion. Olivia let out a moan in reply, her grip in his hair tightening. His teeth scraped across the sensitive flesh, eliciting a sensual groan from her. He continued to play and tease, shifting between teeth and tongue and alternating rhythm and speed to keep her off guard.

Olivia writhed under him, arching and stretching against his body, as though she couldn't get herself close enough to him. Her breath hitched in her throat as his lips ventured from her breasts down her stomach, tugging off her panties as he covered her soft tummy with his lips. Insecure of her torso, Olivia almost pushed Harry away, but reminded herself he wouldn't be intimate with her stomach if it disgusted him. Olivia whimpered out a moan as Harry grasped her hips, stretching out on his stomach as his teasing tongue traced along her pelvis. Her hips bucked, causing Harry to look up from between her legs, giving Olivia a cheeky smirk.

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