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"How do you make a paper airplane?"

Olivia looked up from her bowl of cereal. Harry was sitting at the table across from her, struggling to fold a piece of paper into the airplane shape. "Fold those top edges down," she informed him, taking a bite of cereal. She wasn't sure why Harry was spending his morning fighting to fold a piece of paper into grade school origami, but she learned early in the relationship that Harry was an odd duck. A paper airplane at nine in the morning was just par for the course with him.

Harry's brow furrowed in concentration as he creased the paper. He smiled triumphantly as he held up his masterpiece before flying it across the table towards Olivia.

"Oh!" Olivia sighed, pulling the now-damp paper out of her cereal bowl. She rolled her eyes good-naturedly at Harry before tossing the plane aside.

Harry mimicked Olivia's sigh. "Open it," he directed. "What if it's a romantic love note?"

"Is it?" Olivia wondered, unfolding Harry's mediocre paper plane. She flipped the paper around, reading a short list he'd compiled. Saint James' Church Garden. Crown Tavern. Novelty Automation. Lock & Co. Hatters. She looked up at Harry, her brow furrowed curiously.

Harry shrugged in response. "I told you I wanted to show you the sights," he told Olivia. "I... I mean, I wish I could take you to Big Ben or the Eye, but..." he shrugged, appearing sheepish as he told her without saying the words that the top London attractions were too busy for them to have an inconspicuous date.

"That park is really nice, though," he added, standing from his chair and stepping behind Olivia. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pressed a kiss into her hair as he pointed to the list. "Apparently Lenin and Stalin had a pint at this pub, but I don't really know if that's true. But they have great burgers," he told her.

Olivia tipped her head, smiling up at Harry. She knew it would be difficult to see the popular attractions with Harry, but she appreciated his effort to find low-key attractions for them to see. "I love a good burger," Olivia replied, giving Harry's hand a squeeze. "I'd rather see your favourite spots than the crowded hotspots, anyway," she reassured Harry.

Harry beamed, appearing comforted by Olivia's words. "I'm glad," he stated, settling onto Olivia's lap and inciting an exasperated groan from his girlfriend. "I've never been to this automation place, but apparently it's pretty sick."

"What even is it?" Olivia wondered, though she didn't care. She wrapped her arms around Harry's bare stomach and rested her cheek against his back.

Harry grabbed Olivia's phone from the table beside her and unlocked it before opening the YouTube app. He tapped out a search and clicked on the first video that came up. "You use these tokens to make this stuff move around," he explained, leaning back against Olivia and slinging an arm across her shoulders so she could see the screen. "Kind of like arcade games, I guess," he added with a shrug.

Olivia nodded, trying to focus on the video Harry was showing her, but his weight against her, his bare torso and his baggy sweatpants barely concealing the hint of a bulge was making it difficult for her to focus on the machines Harry was so insistent on showing her.

"Mm-hmm," Olivia hummed, letting her fingers trail down his stomach before making gentle circles against his sweatpants.

Harry jumped, surprised by Olivia's libidinous touch. "What, are these mechanical machines getting you all fired up, love?" Harry teased, his hips rising as he let out a quiet groan.

Olivia snickered, pressing gentle kisses against Harry's back as she continued to tickle her fingers along Harry's torso and manhood. "Believe it or not... it's actually more you than the robots," she assured Harry, grasping his rod through his pants and pumping her fist slowly up and down the shaft.

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