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**3 Months Later**

"Hello, sweetheart."

"Hi, love! I just landed," Olivia spoke into her phone, struggling to keep the device pressed against her shoulder as she tugged her luggage through the terminal at LAX. She stopped for a moment, adjusting herself and letting the people she was holding up push past her.

"Good," Harry answered, and Olivia could hear the smile on his face. 

Save for a long weekend trip to New York City in May, and a whirlwind seventeen hour trip to Mexico in April, Harry and Olivia hadn't seen one another in three months. They texted all the time, talked on the phone almost every night and FaceTimed as often as they could — Harry even received the dirty pictures he told Olivia she could send — but it wasn't the same. But Olivia's summer break had officially started, and Harry was on her schedule for the foreseeable future.

"Glenne said she'd meet you in the parkade," Harry added. "Did she text you?"

"She did," Olivia answered. Glenne was Harry's manager's girlfriend and while Jeff seemed a bit no-nonsense and not fun, Glenne was the quintessential girl next door and almost too sweet. Olivia reminded herself to watch her trucker mouth around Glenne. She didn't think the girl minded Olivia's crass vernacular but cussing around Glenne made Olivia feel as though she was cussing around a child.

"Fuck, I can't wait to see you," Harry murmured. "I told Glenne she's just to drop you off. Maybe we can have dinner with them later... or not, actually... I don't want to share you. And I don't think I can keep my hands off of you long enough to engage in small talk," he added with a snicker.

Olivia laughed, feeling the same. Harry's friends were fine people, but she didn't want to share him either. "Ditto," she answered, rifling through her purse for her sunglasses as she stepped out into the California sunshine. "We're officially breathing the same air," Olivia added, the loud blaring horns telling Harry she was outside.

Harry chuckled. "You're such a nerd," he told her. Olivia heard the swish of the sliding door open, and Harry laughed again. "But I just stepped outside, so... what's that say about me?" he asked her. "Don't answer," he quickly added.

"Geek!" Olivia chortled. "Good thing I love you," she added coyly. Since first declaring their hasty feelings for one another on a whim in her sister's driveway, Harry and Olivia voiced their love for one another every chance they could. Nothing made Olivia's heart flutter more than hearing Harry's raspy, giggling voice proclaim his love for her. It still seemed surreal, and their relationship had drawn a lot of scepticism from those close to Olivia, but none of that mattered. All that mattered was the real love the two of them had for one another.

Harry let out a tiny giggle, par for the course when either of them said the L-word. "Good thing I love you, too," he countered, and Olivia had to focus on her knees not buckling under her as she walked towards the crosswalk. If she had to pick only one thing to hear for the rest of her life, it would be those words, from him, every time.

"Oh, shucks!" Olivia laughed, stopping at the crosswalk. The traffic was whizzing through the green light, but Olivia could see Glenne waiting at the traffic sign on the other side of World Way. "I see Glenne!" Olivia told Harry, her voice giddy at the prospect of being one step closer to her boy.

"Ya-aa-ay!" Harry sang out, sounding as excited as Olivia. "I'll let you go, but tell her to drive fast, okay? I know she drives like a little grandma sometimes. Not today."

"Not today," Olivia agreed, falling into step beside the hordes of people walking to the parkade. "Okay, I'll see you soon!"

"Not soon enough, my love," Harry replied. "One, four, three," he added with a laugh. More often than not, Harry was the furthest thing from the suave, charming Casanova the media painted him to be. Him using the cheesy numerology way of stating his love proved that. But, Olivia wasn't suave either.

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