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Harry had just pulled his pants on when an incessant ringing of the doorbell – bordering on obnoxious – rang through the house. The chimes took Olivia by surprise – she'd been so caught up in her shower with Harry; she forgot his mother and sister were on their way to his house.

"Fuck, I look like shit," Olivia hissed, wiping the steam from the mirror and peering at her face. Her mascara had run down her face, and what bits stayed near her eyes settled under her lashes, giving her a damp raccoon look. She looked like shit the first time she met Anne as well – the day following Harry's accident, when her eyes were heavy with exhaustion and red from tears – and she promised herself she would try to be presentable outside the hospital, to look like someone who deserved to be with her son.

Harry laughed, swatting Olivia's terry-cloth covered bottom. "You don't," he promised her, pulling his shirt over his head before pressing a wet kiss against her cheek. "You look like my sexy chick who just rode me in the shower and sucked my dick like a champ," he added, smirking at Olivia as he held his hand up for a high five.

Olivia rolled her eyes at Harry, swatting his hand away. "Ah, yes..." she mused with sarcasm. "What every mother looks for in her son's girlfriend."

Laughing, Harry snagged Olivia's lips with his before opening the bathroom door. "It works for you," he teased. "But if you don't agree..." He trailed off, shrugging before offering her a grin. "Just take whatever time you need, love," he added, closing the door behind him and leaving Olivia to make herself more presentable... with none of her supplies in the bathroom.

"Shit," she cussed, about to open the door when she heard Harry's mother greet him in the entry way. She couldn't get to the stairs without seeing Anne and Gemma, and she realised Anne would have to continue to wait to see her son's girlfriend looking presentable.

She let out a loud sigh before covering her mouth, hoping no one heard her. Truthfully, she didn't think Anne cared if Olivia had on mascara or not. She had spent little time with the woman – when Anne visited the hospital during the day, Olivia vacated the room and give the two some alone time while she explored the halls and found the best vending machines – but she seemed to like Olivia. Harry had assured her that his mother thought Olivia was great, but he wouldn't tell her if Anne didn't think she was great, so she didn't put much stock in his reassurances.

She pulled the elastic from her hair, shaking out the damp waves and wishing for a blow dryer. She peered under the sink, just to be sure Harry wasn't hiding hair care products on her, before jutting her lips out into a pout as she tried to yank her hair back into a knot that didn't scream sex hair. After tackling the raccoon eyes with hand soap, toilet paper and a lip balm she had tucked into her bra – tricks from her slutty college days – she tugged her clothes back on, slathered a cucumber melon scented lotion over her arms and opened the door, hoping for the best.

Harry had already led his mother and sister to the deck. Olivia stepped to the door, feeling uncharacteristically shy as she poked her head outside. It was one thing to see Anne at the hospital, but seeing her at the house that Olivia very comfortably made herself at home at was nerve-wracking. She hoped Anne – or Gemma, the protective sister – didn't think she was overstepping her boundaries.

"Hi..." Olivia called out in a quiet voice, reminding herself to smile as she stepped outside. Anne turned at the sound of her voice, a wide smile across her face.

"There she is!" she greeted, her happy tone surprising Olivia. Anne stood up, meeting Olivia halfway across the patio and surprising Olivia more as she enveloped her into a hug. Olivia wasn't an unlikable person, but she also knew her ex boyfriend's mother despised her. Something about her being opinionated, sassy, cussing like a sailor and taking Ryan from his mommy. Anne wasn't like that, but it was still new for her to have a boyfriend's mother willingly hug her.

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