Chapter 1: A Spinebarrel in the Sand

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This started as a series of one-shots that accidentally turned into a story, so expect the continuity to be a little rough at the beginning. The first several chapters follow a one-shot style where each can be read and enjoyed individually, though they become increasingly integrated as the story goes on.

Chapter one takes place a few months after the events of The Last Jedi with the bond contining to bring Rey and Ben together roughly every two weeks. I know, I know... this is different from the movie, but let's just say the Force decided to take a more slow and steady approach after the throne room debacle.

This story focuses on moments when the bond brings Rey and Kylo together with some occasional in-person meetings as their relationship grows. Since this story is about the evolution of Rey and Ben's relationship, there won't be much development of other Star Wars characters, just guest spots now and then.

Also, while I try to keep this story in canon, I'm a casual Star Wars fan, which means sometimes I play fast and loose with Force abilities, the lore, etc. Star Wars nerds, don't hate me!

Happy Reading!

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Kylo Ren is interrupted as he struggles to sleep at night.

The room is pitch black and silent.

Kylo Ren doesn't notice the low hum of the ship all around him. He's become so accustomed to it that it doesn't even register as noise. He's lying flat on his back on the mattress, uncovered except for a loose pair of pants. He sighs, turning to his side.

This is the worst part of his day. It always is.

Seconds become minutes, minutes become hours... sometimes he doesn't sleep at all. Sometimes he just stares into blackness all night, fighting unwanted thoughts.

Or giving in to them.

He shifts again, angry at himself, angry at his lack of self-control.

These idle minutes are like a minefield... He doesn't have to worry about it during the day, not since his responsibilities as Supreme Leader eliminated the concept of "free time."

But nothing can eliminate this, the agonizing period between work and sleep.

Kylo Ren. Master of the Knights of Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order. A man with unparalleled power. A man equally worshipped and feared.

Now a man who can't seem to pass a minute alone without thinking about her.

The scenes play involuntarily in his mind. Her body stiffening, her back to him, the curve of her slender neck only just visible in the moonlight... "I'd rather not do this now." Her cheeks stained with tears as she asked him why he killed his father. Her eyes in the elevator... wide and burning with intensity. The way she confidently stepped towards him, the way her gaze locked onto his.

He squeezes his eyes shut, shifting angrily in his bed.

That's when it hits.

A warmth rising from within, a low, gentle burn starting at his core and stretching out into his limbs. It takes a second before he recognizes the feeling, but when he does, he tenses, bracing himself. For a moment, the sound around him mutes.

Then something unexpected happens.

The environment changes, the crisp coolness of his quarters replaced by an oppressively dry heat.

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