Chapter 50: Opposing Forces

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Chapter Summary: Rey and Ben come to an agreement about the future.

Rey walks swiftly through the halls of the dreadnought, eyes forward. It's less crowded on the top floor but there are still people about— groups passing in twos and threes, droids whizzing by, a unit of Stormtroopers just ahead.

Rey tucks her chin as the unit approaches. They march by in a steady cadence, a wall of white armor. They're barely past when she hears the sergeant.

"Eyes forward!" He barks. "Another man looks back, and it's double PT for the rest of the week!"

Rey sighs, slowing her pace.

She's starting to dread passing troopers, only because this happens every time. No matter what she does, at least one turns to look at her, then immediately gets yelled at. The first day she was here, some would halt outright, their comrades running into their backs.

Poor things... They can't quell their curiosity, and she can't hide who she is. Apparently, most troopers are rabid fans of A New Hope, unable to distinguish the real Rey from the version they know in the radio show. When they pass by without a sergeant, they often stop to stare or wave, a few coming up to pepper her with questions.

To be honest, she's charmed by the attention. Most are sweet if a little over-eager, and she enjoys glimpsing the personalities beneath the helmets.

Rey scans the hall for more troopers, but all she sees are officers. Most look away when she catches their eye, but a few stare boldly, their faces like stone.

You don't belong here, they seem to say. You're a stain on this ship.

Rey fights the urge to look down.

She's no stranger to being hated. She's felt hatred from slavers, even people in the Resistance, but this is different. There's a purity in the way these officers look at her, as though hating her is what gets them out of bed in the morning.

She closes her eyes, reaching out through the Force. The only voices are whispers, but if she concentrates, she can catch snippets.

"... Resistance scum on the Supremacy..."

"... Ren might as well surrender ..."

"... Did you hear he dismissed Sykes?"

"... Promoting lower-ranked garbage..."

Rey opens her eyes to catch an officer's glare.

He immediately looks away.

She shivers, wrapping her arms around herself. She searches the hall for warmth, anyone doesn't hate her, focusing on two women walking her way. One's whispering to the other but she quiets as Rey gets closer.

The women pass in silence.

Rey reaches out to sense their emotions, resentment and anxiety.

Her lips twist grimly.

Could be worse. At least they don't look at her like she's personally responsible for every decision Ben makes.

Rey takes a deep breath. For a moment, she tries to imagine what it's like to be one of these officers, to catch sight of someone who triggers all their insecurities about their place in a rapidly changing organization.

She lets her breath out.

She can't blame them, really. She'd feel the same if she were in their position. Since Ben retook the Order, he's initiated a massive restructuring replete with promotions and demotions, a few being dismissed altogether. The officers have borne the brunt of upheaval with Ben intent on weakening Hux loyalists. What was it he called it the other day?

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