Lone Survivor- Korekiyo Shinguuji

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A/N- Ok as you'll see I take some liberties when imagining the pregame lives of the v3 kids, seeing as we get no details about how they really were. So any I write about them will all be my imaginings of what they were like pre-killing game. 

"How you come to terms with death also determines how you live, yes?" 

Korekiyo had no problems coming to terms with his own death leading up to the class trial. He knew the risks- double the bodies, double the chances for evidence. But he was unphased, as it was all for sister. Even as he watched all of his remaining classmates die at the hands of the Monokubs, even as he saw their pained expressions and pleas for life, he stayed stoic. Because this was just another aspect of humanity's true beauty- the will to live. 

Too bad will wasn't enough to save them. 

As he left the chambers, Korekiyo pondered what he may do next. He supposed he would return to his field work to fill time, if he was able to that is. After all, he did kill two people. Would he be apprehended upon exiting the dome? He was greeted by Monokuma, who congratulated him on his win and guided him out to the real world. Kiyo had expected to see a desolate wasteland- a place so remote that nobody would notice the large academy they had all been trapped in. So when the door opened, he was shocked to see a relatively metropolitan area- and at that, one filled with people. But one person in particular caught his eye-



The transition post-killing game had been rough for Korekiyo. After escaping and learning that it was all merely a twisted game show and he was nothing more than a character, he was in disbelief. But he tossed his cares about his situation aside in favour of paying his sister the most attention. He had so many questions- how she was alive, if she was here who was inside of him, if she was here...who did he kill Angie and Tenko for? He decided to cast those questions aside for now because now that she's here, they have all the time the world together. His heart felt full of love as he rushed to embrace her...but swiftly broke when she rejected his advances. 

Because Korekiyo and his sister were never lovers. They never had a relationship outside of being close siblings. Which then led to the revelations that he was never an anthropologist, never a serial killer and never an ultimate. He was just an average, everyday teenager who had signed up to participate in a popular TV show in order to obtain money for his ill sister's medical expenses. 

Korekiyo felt absolutely empty. Everything he thought he had known had been a lie, and while he was 17 years old physically, his life as the SHSL Anthropologist had only existed for a few short weeks. The worst part was there was no way to return to who he was previously. He was stuck, existing merely as a character amongst real people. The humanity he thought he knew so intimately, that he thought he studied in depth, was all a fabrication. Just as he was. 

Needless to say he suffered a major identity crisis as his sister tried to remind him of who he was. When she realized that trying to trigger memories from the past wasn't going to work, she started on trying to teach him everything from scratch. Flipping through photo albums, talking about childhood memories, giving details on their parents. Anything to try and get her brother back. 

Unfortunately, Korekiyo could not suppress his feelings towards his sister- even though it was all fake, he coudln't help but be in love with her. And that was what tore their relationship apart. Knowing that her little brother, the one who she cared about most and helped raise for a good part of his life wanted to have a romantic relationship was her was something she was unable to deal with. After a few long months of trying, she gave up and moved out on her own- to pursue the travels she never got to when she was ill. She left the house to Kiyo, saying that maybe their paths will cross again some day. 

On his own, Korekiyo tried desperately to make a life for himself. He threw himself into anthropological studies, but it just didn't feel the same to him knowing that it was never a genuine interest to begin with. He become widely known as the winner of the 53rd killing game, so it was hard to go anywhere without attracting attention. Nothing was right, nothing felt good anymore. After close to a year of living a reclusive life inside his home, he made a decision. 

Six weeks later, he stood amongst a group of 15 strangers, all of them bubbling with excitement at being chosen. He stood alone, waiting for his memory to be erased. To forget all of this- to forget who he is, and who he was. The killing game was on once more...

...And please let me die this time.

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