Lone Survivor- Gonta Gokuhara

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Gonta wailed loudly at Monokuma after learning of what he'd done. He...he had killed Miu? Nobody believed Monokuma- except for Kokichi, who had orchestrated the whole thing. He never expected his plan to blow up in his face like this- that come time to reveal who the blackened really was, for nobody to believe him. His lies had dug his grave- and everybody else's.

But nobody was more confused than Gonta. Not only did he apparently kill Miu, but because of that now all of his friends were going to die. This felt like a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from, no matter how hard he pinched himself. Tears were pouring down his face, he couldn't accept this! He was supposed to protect everyone...put an end to the death, not be the cause of it. 

He jumped in front of his classmates to try and protect them, try and do anything to save them. But nothing worked. As a series of strong clasps restrained Gonta even more dragged all the others away. He thrashed and fought as hard as he could, ripping through his clothes and rubbing his skin raw, to the point of being bloody. But it was no use. When they were all taken away he was released, and dropped to his knees in defeat.

He didn't feel like much of a winner.


Upon being released back into society, Gonta immediately headed to nature. The woods were the only thing that could console him, the bugs his only friends left.  It didn't help that the people he did come across could only congratulate him. Congratulate him. He wasn't proud of what he had done...he had never been more ashamed, more depressed in his entire life. It was like he never knew what true despair was until he came face to face with it that day. 

For months he returned back to what he knew and lived in nature. He studied his bugs and coexisted with them, almost becoming part of the forest himself. They hadn't gotten the chance to tell him that he wasn't who he thought he was, he ran off before they ever could. Even if they did, he probably wouldn't have understood in the state he was in. 

Over time, he began to heal. Nothing could ever fully repair the damage, but he decided he wanted to be a good force in the world. Because that's what a gentleman would do.

So, he returned to mainstream society from time to time. While he was deeply saddened by the idea that he was seen as some sort of hero or icon by the public, that was what spurred him to move forward. If they were going to think of him as a role model then he was going to actually become one. 

He may not be the smartest but damn if Gonta doesn't have a heart of gold. He decided the thing a true gentleman should do in his situation is volunteer, help people. And that's what he did, He used his exceptional strength to accomplish tasks most people couldn't- and he became a highly respected volunteer firefighter. The strength helped him clear debris and carry people out, while his quick reflexes and agility helped him quickly get to them in the first place. This felt right to Gonta- while he couldn't save his friends, he was going to put everything he had into saving other people. It would never make up for what he did, but seeing people reunited with their loved ones and crying tears of joy after being given a second chance at life soothed his heart.

His other venture was more closely related to nature. In a clearing in the woods he planted 15 trees, one for each member of his class that passed. He planted flowers near each one and maintained it year round in his friends' memory. He watched life grow and flourish as the years went by- not just the plants themselves, but the insects and animals who made them their home. To him, the spirit of his friends were in these trees, so he made accommodations. Near Ryoma's he planted catnip because he remembered how fond his friend was of cats, and now he was never without one nearby. He planted moonflowers around Kaito's, so they'd bloom when the stars came out. All of them had a special touch that reminded him of his friends...it just felt right. 

Gonta remembered his friends fondly every day. Everything he did to better the world he did in their memory. Because if they were always in his heart, that means they weren't really gone.

And a gentlemen never abandons his friends. 

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