Lone Survivor- Kirumi Tojo

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A/N- I just realized that so far I've only done one female blackened and that inspired me to tackle the resident SHSL mom next

"I assure you all, this is for the greater good. Please forgive me." 

Kirumi bowed her head solemnly to her classmates. The promise of this all being for the supposed "greater good" did little to calm their nerves as they headed for their end. It did little to quell the guilt that was starting to seep into Kirumi's heart as well, even though she knew it was what she had to do. She needed to get out.

The country was counting on her. She couldn't be trapped in here any longer. As the saying goes, "you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette." 

That saying was harder to live by when it was not eggs but the skulls of her friends that were being cracked. 


Kirumi had left the killing game that day with the expectation of being greeted by Government agents waiting to take her back to office. She had been gone for too long and would be needed back immediately, and she had no doubt in her mind that they would look over a structure as large as the dome in the search for the Prime Minister. 

However, instead of being greeted by men and women decked out in suits ushering her into black cars with tinted windows, she was instead greeted with a humongous crowd of people, all of their attention on her. As she walked out they applauded her, and held banners congratulating her on her "win". 

The only explanation she could think of was that somehow it had been leaked that she was really the one leading their country, and so people flocked to see her. But that still didn't make sense...how would they know where to find her? How would they all know she was trapped when she didn't even know why she was? And that begs the question- if all those people had known they were locked inside there...why didn't any of them help?

She saw the audience giggle at her confusion, which only puzzled her even more. But she shook it off- she had more important matters to attend to. She made an effort to try and push her way through the crowd, only to be pulled back and spoken to by a familiar voice.

"Oh Kirumi! You don't want to leave yet, there is so much we have to talk about before you do!"


She whipped around and saw somebody who looked vaguely like her friend, but dressed very differently. Instead of the long blue hair and navy outfit, she had blonde pigtails with a black cardigan and short red skirt. It was nothing like she had ever seen her wear. Was it one of her cosplays? At a time like this? More importantly...

How was she alive?

With questions racing through her head she absentmindedly followed where Tsumugi guided her, which ended up being into a limo. The sounds of the people cheering around her seemed muffled in the state she was in. She tried her best to maintain her composure but couldn't quite make sense of anything that was going on. Nothing felt real. 

Tsumugi sat slouched back in the limo, smacking her gum. As she spoke she changed her voice to one that was more obnoxious and seemed to fit whatever character she was playing better, having obviously only used her own voice momentarily to grab Kirumi's attention. 

With each word she said grating on Kirumi more and more, she explained everything behind the killing game and the show as a whole. She told her that she wasn't the prime minister- hell she wasn't even really a maid. What she actually was was one of the country's biggest celebrities right now, as she had apparently amassed quite a fanbase while on the show and even more so after she became the blackened. 

After listening to everything she had to say, Kirumi could do nothing more than sob. Who she was (well, who she was now) was somebody dedicated to serving others. It was all she had, all she strived to do. She had even sacrificed the lives of her friends so she could serve her country and the people who needed it most. And now she was finding out that she ended their lives for nothing. All of them died in vain, for her to escape and become a reality star, not the leader of the country. There was no justice in that, nothing right. 

"I'm sorry, Tsumugi. I do not want to play into the role of some sort of reality star. I am incredibly ashamed of what I have done, I do not want to be in the public eye any longer."

Tsumugi simply rolled her eyes at her.

"Well duh Kirumi, I know that already. I am the one who made your character after all. You becoming a celeb was never part of your story so don't worry!"

Kirumi sighed in relief. She just needed time to mourn, time to be alone and to think about the future. She was glad Tsumugi was allowing her that. 

After a few more minutes of riding in silence, the limo stopped. Since the windows were tinted, Kirumi could not see out of them. She assumed that she had been brought to some sort of house or residence where she could live, or a travel station where she could pick where she head next. What she was not expecting, however was to open her door to see an expanse of sea as she stood near a cliffside. While confused, she did have to admit the scenery was beautiful. Maybe this was some sort of attempt to calm her nerves, and bring her peace? 

She snapped her head around when the door to the limo slammed behind her, an annoyed Tsumugi climbing out, complaining about her heels getting stuck in the mud.

"Well Tsumugi, if you would prefer you could remain in the car. I wouldn't mind the solitude, anyways. I appreciate you bringing me here." She gave the other girl a warm smile, Kirumi was appreciating these small gestures now more than ever. As she stared off into the distance, she wondered what would be in store for her future. How she would repent for her sins, make up for the lives she took. As a maid, her duty was to serve...But as Kirumi Tojo, she was lost. The future seemed uncertain for her...but she was ready to face it. 

Too bad she was never going to get the chance to. 

As Kirumi had her first peaceful moment in what seemed like so long, Tsumugi prepared herself behind her. She came up behind the maid and grabbed her tightly, pushing her closer to the edge. Kirumi struggled but she was in no condition to be fighting, after all she had just been through. Soon she was at the very edge of the cliff, looking down onto the jagged rocks and harsh waves below. Tsumugi leaned up to whisper in her ear.

"This will be a much better end to your story~"

Those were the last words she ever heard before she was pushed to her death. Tsumugi chuckled to herself as she fell, glad her plan went off without a hitch. Kirumi was never supposed to survive if she got out. The idea of the maid feeling so devoted to her friends that she ends her own life after ending there's as some sort of repentance was a much more dramatic and marketable story than her just dropping out of the public eye to "find herself". 

  Now she'll be able to keep her in the spotlight forever.   

She pulled out a pair of shoes that were identical to Kirumi's from her bag, as well as a fake suicide note forged in her handwriting. It wasn't hard to match her diction, after all Tsumugi had created her. She smiled as she rested the note under the shoes, anchoring it all down with rocks so it wouldn't blow away in the breeze. Tsumugi's heart felt full of pride- she loves when her characters get to reach the end of their arcs. 

The turned on her heel and made her way back to the limo, practicing her tragic announcement speech in her head. But it was hard to feign sadness when she was so full of excitement for how this all will bring in more viewers than they already have to the next season of Danganronpa. 

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