Lone Survivor- Teruteru Hanamura

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A/N- maybe a tad bit OOC but let me live if it was in character he would just be humping all the foundation member's legs like a dog the whole time and nobody wants to read that (and if you do...that's a whole 'nother can of worms). ALSO this ended up being the longest one so far?? Who would have thought Teru would be the first one to have me break 1000 words...

"I'm...I'm sorry ya'll. But I have to get back to mama. She needs me."

Those were the last words Teruteru ever spoke to his classmates before they were taken away to their deaths. He averted his eyes and tears rolled down his cheeks but he couldn't bring himself to plug his ears. He was at least going to hear them in their final moments.

Somebody had to. 


Teru was understandably confused when his departure from the island ended up with him awakening from a strange chamber surrounded by people he had never seen before. He didn't know them, but they all had a very evident look of disappointment on their faces. Especially one of them, short with light brown hair and a weird style that reminded him of Hajime, and he felt a pang of guilt in his heart. 

He was then escorted out of the room and passed the bodies of his friends, all in similar pods to the one he woke up in. He looked hopeful- their bodies were all here, still in tact, no injuries! Maybe they were alive after all, and they were all in some horrible nightmare device. But his hopes were dashed as he watched two men in suits open up one of the pods and pull out the body of Fuyuhiko- who was limp and non-responsive. They gave each other a solemn look, and Teru thought he heard something about "disposal" before he was ushered out of the room. 

With multiple uniformed men and women on either side of him, he was intimidated. They looked at him as if he were a monster...did they see what he did to Togami? But wait, was that even real? His body didn't have stab wounds...did any of it even happen? His mind was wandering about what had been going on, only to have it snap back to reality as he got a glimpse of himself on a nearby reflective surface. 

What happened to me?

He looked older, first of all. And secondly he had multiple injuries and scars littered across his body, finding more as he looked for them. 

How long was I in there?  What did they do to me?

Eventually all his questions were answered as the Neo World program and why he was put there was explained to him. He couldn't believe he had become somebody so horrible, so evil. But then he realized that he even ended the lives of his friends when he was supposed to be his "pre-despair" self, so he wondered if he maybe was just that horrible to begin with. 

Then he remembered one of the main reasons behind why he killed in the first place- his mother. He quickly asked if he could see his mother, if she was ok. They all gave each other sideways glances, which put knots in his stomach.

"Please, please tell me mama's okay!"

"Hanamura...I'm sorry to say your mother is deceased."

Tears started freely pouring from his eyes as he slammed his fists on the table.

"Tell me who killed her so I can take care of them myself!" 

Another set of sideways glances. Not a good sign.

"Hanamura I'm sorry but..."

A long pause, a deep breath. Teru was on the edge of his seat. Why is he sorry now, this couldn't get any worse.

"You were the one who killed your mother."

It got worse.


Months later and Teruteru had returned to his family's diner. A place he was once ashamed he came from was now all he had left to remember of his past life. To say he had been in a depression would be an understatement. So he did the only thing he knew how to- he cooked. Platters on top of platters of food, all going uneaten. Because while he had to cook to distract himself, he couldn't bring himself to eat. 

Things were continuing to go downhill until eventually, people started stopping by the diner. People who smelled the food and needed a good meal. There was a good mix of people who had stayed in the area after the tragedy, and those who had ended up there one way or another. He spoke to the people he met, hearing how the tragedy affected them. He wanted to hear all their stories, as he knew he was part of the cause behind them all. He felt guilt for every story about a lost home or murdered loved one. 

People came in, and came out, day after day. He may not have been getting much financially for his work, but he was getting a distraction from his thoughts and a constant stream of social interaction which was better in a lot of ways. Things followed that pattern for weeks until she walked in-

His sister. 

She looked so much different than he last remembered her...and he never remembered her fondly. Both of his younger siblings were Hope's Peak potential students with the her being the SHSL Baroque girl and his younger brother being the SHSL Host. He couldn't stand their talents. And his distaste for what they did grew into a distaste for them as people. 

But despite all that, when he saw her standing in the doorway he couldn't help but rush to her. He thought he had lost everybody he had, so seeing her was a breath of fresh air. They had a long talk about what they had been doing since the tragedy struck, with her informing him that their other sibling had passed. And he returned the favour, telling them about their mother. He eventually broke down all the events that had happened with him as a remnant and in the Neo World program, to her absolute disbelief. She couldn't believe he had done so much, been through so much. 

She agreed to stay back in their family home with Teru, helping him run the diner and feed the hungry people they found. Over the years and as the area rebuilt itself, they became immersed in their community. He never fully forgave himself for what he did to his classmates and to the world. But helping to rebuild his small section of it, piece by piece, felt cathartic to him. And sure, it was no Azabu or Aoyama...

But it was home. 

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