Lone Survivor- Chiaki Nanami

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A/N- Yes this is still AI Chiaki and my interpretation on what would happen if she "won". I didn't really have many ideas for this so sorry it's so short and so trash, I know people really like her...but there's only so much you can do when it's an AI in a simulation

"He screwed us over...We weren't supposed to figure who did it. He made sure of it." Hajime's voice cracked as he realized how screwed they all were. Komaeda had planned an unsolvable murder by making one of them the blackened without them knowing it. In the end, they decided to go with  random vote, and Hajime was the one they chose. 

And unfortunately, they chose wrong. 

"Pupupupupu, too bad students! The real blackened was.....Chiaki Nanami! Guess that means it's game over for the rest of you!" The class broke down at Monokuma's words, their eyes filling with tears as they realized how screwed they are. But nobody was more upset than Chiaki.

This can't be happening! This can't happen! We need to do something...

"No! No Monokuma! I'm not letting you do this!" Monomi chimed up from the sidelines. She tried to fight her "brother" again, only to be sorely defeated like every other time. That was when Monokuma activated punishment time, the claws approaching the students. 

Helpless to do anything else, Monomi and Chiaki had to watch as the students were killed. Souda's sobs and Fuyuhiko's curses filled the room as they received their punishment first. Then came Akane and Sonia, who went holding each other's hands for comfort, softly crying. Lastly, there was Hajime. He gave Chiaki one last wave and a smile before he too met his fate.

Once there were no longer any signs of life in the program, it began to shut down most major functions, since it had no life to sustain. Chiaki and Monomi sobbed into each other's arms- their mission had failed. This was supposed to be the kid's rehabilitation, the one chance the remnants had to have the brainwashing reversed. Instead they had all lost their lives because they couldn't keep them safe. 

The virus uninstalled itself, as its job was done. With no students remaining and therefore no killing game, it felt no need to remain in the program. Chiaki and Monomi were left alone in the simulation. They exited the courtoom and walked in silence around the island, remembering when it was once full of 15 other smiling, happy faces...and was now virtually, and literally, devoid of life.

Suddenly,a pillar of light appeared near them, and from it emerged Makoto Naegi. His eyes looked solemn, for obvious reasons. Chiaki ran over to him, quickly bowing and apologizing profusely. Tears started streaming from her cheeks as she repeated over and over how sorry she was. Awkwardly, Makoto tried to comfort her. 

When she had calmed down a bit, she was able to choke out some words.

"N-Naegi...why a-are you here?" 

He sighed deeply, his eyes quickly meeting hers before flitting away. He looked uncomfortable.


"Nanami...I came here to ask you something."

"Ask me something?"

"Yes...." His voice trailed off as his nerve faltered. "Nanami, you know there is no life left here, besides me right now. And I know you are a hyper intelligent AI but..."


"But we were thinking of shutting down the program." He quickly spat out the words, and they almost didn't register with her. Almost. 

Finally, Monomi decided to pipe up. "You want to shut down the program? But then...then we'll be gone!"

"Yes, Mono-I mean Usami, the both of you would...be erased. That's why I came to talk to you myself, before just shutting it all down. You're just as human as I am, really...." His eyes were full of sadness obviously not wanting to be the one to deliver this message. 

"It's ok, Naegi. I....I don't mind." Tears started falling from Chiaki's eyes again, and Monomi reached up to grip her hand. 

"What point even is there, to continue to exist here? Our one purpose was to save them...to get them to love, so they could be healed in the real world...but we failed. There's no reason for us to carry on. It would just be painful." Makoto stared at her in shock, Chiaki was never known to be this solemn, and they didn't initially program her that way. But the intense grief had affected her. 

"Don't...Don't feel too bad, Nanami. You guys did the best you can. This is all my fault, for bringing the remnants here...hiding them from the foundation...not checking the program thoroughly. Ah... I'm rambling. I can't be here for long, I'm sorry. I guess I'll just offer you both my final goodbye...and my thanks." 

The three of them shared a small hug before Makoto gave them a small wave, exiting the program. Not long after, things started to feel strange for them as the program was shutting down. Areas started to disappear around them, the light faded, and they felt weak. They sat, holding hands, waiting for their consciousness to fade together. For what is technically, their death. As everything started to go black around them, she gripped Monomi's hand tighter as the tears fell from her eyes. 

Chiaki just hoped that she could end up in whatever afterlife that would reunite her with her friends again. 

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