Lone Survivor- Kaede Akamatsu

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"So all the evidence points to Shuichi..."

I should speak up.

"The detective kills first? What a twist~"

I have to say something.

"I can't believe you'd do something so horrible!"

Why can't I bring myself to say anything?

"It's always the people you least expect...."

Why isn't he saying anything? 

"Monokuma, I think we're ready to vote."

No matter how much Kaede wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to speak. And neither could Shuichi. She watched as the class voted Shuichi the killer. She watched as they all voted for the wrong person. 

This was never the plan, this was why she didn't utilize the survivor perk. She didn't want her friends to die, she wanted them to live. To escape. But in that moment, when she was faced with death, faced with the class turning against her...she couldn't make herself speak up. Her courage faltered at the most crucial moment, leaving Shuichi to take the fall- who very well knew that she was the culprit. And for some reason, he didn't say anything either. 

"Now it's time for the results!! You all voted for Shuichi Saihara....and you were all WRONG! The actual blackened was....Kaede Akamatsu!" 

Reactions ranged from low, trembling whispers to loud, angry screams. All eyes are on her, eyes filled with anger, fear and betrayal. And even though all their lives were about to end, she couldn't muster up an explanation. All she could do was choke out a teary apology to them, saying she didn't want this to happen.

Shuichi was the one who swooped in to save her, explaining how Kaede wanted to take out the mastermind with her trap, not Rantaro. And that was why he didn't speak up- he trusted her, and knew she made a simple mistake, and how she didn't deserve to die for that. 

Monokuma and the Kubs eventually became bored with all the sentimental garbage ushering forth the punishment. Kaede watched behind horrified eyes as her friends, the people she wanted to save, were all killed before her eyes. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a door open up. She decided to follow it, as it must lead to the exit. There she could escape and get help...tell somebody what they had all been forced into. Maybe it wasn't too late...maybe they could be saved...

When she walked out of the door and through the tunnel, she was greeted with a crowd of people. They were cheering, holding up signs with her name on them. 

"And here she is! Our record setter herself! The first in 53 seasons of Danganronpa to win on the first trial! Let's give her a hand, folks!" 

Win? 53 season? What was going on?

She got escorted up on to a stage and to a microphone. The same MC who had been introducing her began to ask her questions.

"So how does it feel Kaede? You won the killing game you were so desperate to enter! The fans have been going wild for your win...although you've made a lot of others very angry who wanted their favs to win, especially the previous winner Rantaro. What do you have to say about that, Kaede?"

"I...I don't know...what to say...I don't know...what's going on..." Kaede felt confused and lightheaded in front of the crowd. She didn't know what any of this meant. "Desperate to enter?" "Previous Winner Rantaro?" What was going on here? People knew about the killing game? She thought she was going to be sick.

"Oh come on guys, let's give her some space! She's obviously confused! After all, killing off 15 people takes a lot out of ya!" The crowd roared with laughter and applause. "We're gonna let Kaede rest for now, fill her in on all the deets and then get her back on the air tomorrow for you guys! Stay tuned!" An arm guided Kaede off stage and away from the crowd.

Once she was in private with a couple strangers, the questions started tumbling out of her mouth. They answered each one quickly and professionally, as if they'd answered them dozens of times before. They revealed they were producers of the show, told her she was a character, that she had auditioned for the killing game. They even showed her her audition video. 

She was in disbelief at everything that was transpiring. She...she had wanted that? They all had? THOUSANDS of other people had? How could anyone ever want anything like that? 

In the midst of her crisis, a hand patted her on the back. 

"Don't worry, kid. All the winners go through this. It'll pass! Especially for you- you killed 'em all off in the first trial. You barely got the chance to bond. If people who made it 5 trials with them can get over it, so can you! The perks are....pretty worth it." 

In a fit of rage she quickly reached up and slapped him across the face, screaming about how she'd never go along with all this. Instead of looking angry or shocked, he rolled his eyes.

"You think you're the first to try and object? Hell, you're not even the first to slap me." He chuckled darkly to himself. "I just think it's cute how you think you have a choice."

He quickly closed the gap between them, grabbing her and forcing her down into the chair. He pulled out some restraints on the chair that were not previously visible, locking her in place.

"Kaede, Kaede, Kaede...I knew you were going to be difficult. Makes me with somebody like Ouma had taken it first...he would be a great face for the show, cooperative too. But you'll do, especially since nobody expected this season's sweetie to have a dark side. And set the record to boot! You'll be great for drawing in viewers..." His voice trailed off as he wrung his hands sinisterly. 

She opened her mouth to object, to say she'd never become part of the "brand" before she was gagged. He also went through and taped open her eyelids before facing her towards a screen in the room. On it played the execution from so many different angles. Close up shots of each of them being brutally killed. But something was...different. Off. Slowly, she felt her mind starting to melt. 

"Soon, you'll be putty in our hands. We can't wait to make a monument out of you, Kaede." He patted her on the shoulder before walking out of the room.

So began the brainwashing of Kaede Akamatsu, AKA the new face of Danganronpa..... Affectionately dubbed "this generation's Junko Enoshima". 

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