Lone Survivor- Mikan Tsumiki

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A/N- Trigger warning for gore and violence.

I'll get to see her again.

She watched as the chains clamped around all their necks.

It's been so long, I miss her so. 

She giggled at the fear in their eyes as they desperately tried to break free.

I'll be reunited with my beloved once more...

For once she turned her back on people in pain. 

I hope she won't be too upset with me.

The door closed on the executions of all her classmates as they were viciously picked off one by one.

She'll understand......


Mikan was in love with the ultimate despair, she worshiped her. 

But she never fully understood the despair Junko adored so until she woke up from the Neo-World program, to the realization that she was gone. She was enraged, inconsolable. Nothing like the Mikan that the people watching over the program had come to know. She was overcome with despair, but it didn't feel as good as Junko had led her to believe it would.

The future foundation had tried to revive the others with no success. Mikan was the only survivor of the 77th class, the only surviving remnant of despair. The foundation kept her locked away with a watchful eye- frightened by what she might do. She had just laughed in the faces of all her friends as they were executed...they didn't know what she was capable of. 

In reality, Mikan wasn't capable of much in her current state. They tried their best to explain to her everything that had happened- the program, Naegi's plan, how they were the remnants. But it was as if they were talking to a stone slab. She didn't care about any of it- she had nobody left, and she realized that. 

What she didn't yet realize was that Naegi, one of the people who visited her most frequently, as the one who had killed Junko. Killed her beloved. And for the his safety, they tried their hardest to keep that fact from her. 

That was until Hagakure decided to visit. 

He wanted to see the remnant, said he could read her fortune and put her on a path to success by inspiring her with a glimpse into the future. And he was true to his word- he really did inspire her. 

While in with her (and several FF guards), he mentioned to her that she should look up to Naegi, as he was a role model. She replied by saying he was nothing special, just an average guy. Hagakure then countered that by telling her how he defeated the Ultimate despair and put the world on a path towards hope. 

Luckily he wasn't very observant, or else he might have seen the malice that filled her eyes. 

She kept it suppressed in her isolation, biding her time until he came back. Like a prisoner trying to get parole, she put on a facade of healing. Wanting to try harder, trying to become hopeful again. Slowly she earned the trust of the FF members, and to them she appeared like a changed woman. Nobody could believe Hagakure had this type of affect on her, but they were happy to see the improvements. Eventually they even let her roam certain areas of the facility unattended, which is where she found herself a pair of scissors. Perfect. 

After what seemed to be a significant increase in her condition, Naegi and the others came back for a visit. They wanted to try and prepare her for reintroduction to the other branches of the foundation, mainly Munakata's. She smiled sweetly at him when he entered her room, bowed to him as he sat down across from her, agreed happily to answer all his questions.

"Uhm...some of these questions might be kind of personal...is that alright?"


"I'd...I'd prefer it if we were alone...I get so embarrassed talking about myself..."

Fall for it. 

"Oh! Well, I'm sure they wouldn't mind standing outside. Right, guys?"


"Oh, Naegi! You're so kind to me, no wonder people are so enamored with your hopeful spirit..."

I hate the sight of you.

"Me? I'm not that great...you've gone through so much, yet you're still trying...now that's admirable."

I'll be more than just "trying" soon. 

"Don't be humble, Naegi! I actually had something I wanted to tell you...if you don't mind me coming close! I don't think I could say it that loud....

The thought of touching you makes my skin crawl. 

"Tsumugi...I don't know if that would be appropriate...but you have been making good progress...Ok, I trust you. You can tell me anything. I won't judge."

That's your mistake. Luckily, it's the last one you'll ever make

She made her way closer to Naegi, putting her lips up to his ear. 

"Promise not to judge me?"

"Of course, I promise." 

"This is for my beloved."

Swiftly, she unsheathed the scissors from her apron and plunged them into Naegi's throat. He sputtered as blood poured from the wound on his neck, his eyes looking incredibly pained. He tried to choke out words, but nothing would come. She looked down at him, despair swirling in her eyes. She reached down and pulled the scissors from his neck, blood spattering across the room as she did so. She looked into his eyes as they went blank, as he reached out for somebody, anybody in his final moments.

After a couple of minutes of not hearing anything from Naegi, the guards re-entered the room. And there they saw the body of Makoto Naegi- a gaping hole in his neck, bloodied and pale on the bed. And next to him lied Mikan-

With a pair of scissors through plunged into her heart. 

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