Lone survivor- Peko Pekoyama

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A/N- TW for gore/violence here. Also for a sad sad Peko and a surprisingly helpful Kyosuke

"And Mahiru's killer is.....The Ultimate Swordswoman herself, Peko Pekoyama! You all voted for Hiyoko, meaning....you all voted wrong!"

Peko chuckled to herself.

"No Monokuma, you are wrong. Because I am not the blackened....Fuyuhiko is."

"I know you spent your years studying the blade instead of books, but I have you on camera bashing picture girl's skull in! You killed her, Pekoyama~"

"Incorrect. I am merely a tool for Young Master's. And since he ordered me to kill her, I cooperated. I am nothing more than a weapon at his disposal. Therefore, he is the one responsible for killing Koizumi, making him the blackened."

Peko was very confident in her stance, which made Monokuma giddy with glee. He was very much looking forward to the insurmountable levels of despair he was going to inflict onto Peko.

"Well then, I don't see any more of a reason to argue here....let's get right onto PUNISHMENT TIME!!!" Monokuma pulled a lever, and the rest of the students started to disappear one by one. All that remained were Fuyuhiko and Peko, together. Peko bowed her head to him, giving her final goodbye before her death. She was prepared and willing to die- as long as he got to live. 

The final clamp came to bring forth the last victim and it shot right past Peko, grabbing Fuyhiko by the neck and beginning to drag him away. Peko made a quick move for him, attempting to slice through the metal arm, but was quickly restrained. She fought as hard as she could, screaming and thrashing, to try and escape. 

But it was no use.

She had to watch, in absolute horror, as Fuyuhiko was brutally torn limb from limb- a death noticably much more gruesome than the others had recieved, for maximum despair. 

She was released and she immediately ran for him, only to vomit at the sight of his body. The rush of emotions and physical sensations was too overwhelming, and she then passed out- landing in a puddle of his blood. Monokuma simply giggled at the sight, and at what was to come. 


When Peko awoke, she was in a place noticably different than anywhere she had seen on the island. A small, cramped space, where she was hooked up to...something by many wires. She began to struggle to break free before the top opened and she saw a group of multiple people standing over her. They didn't say anything, but simply helped her out of the pod instead. Their faces were all noticeably grim, evident scowls and disappointment in their eyes. She scanned the room when her feet hit the ground, noticing even more strangers nearby. Had she been rescued after she passed out? 

She scanned the other pods in the room and was horrified to see the bodies of her friends in them. They all looked different than she had last seen them, older and with an assortment of scars and wounds they didn't have previously. Did...this happen during their executions? She scanned over every pod, but her heart stopped when she found his.

Young Master.

She quickly raced over to him before she could be stopped, slamming on all the buttons near the pod in an attempt to open it. She, luckily, pressed the right one, and the lid clicked open. There he was, fully in tact. So was he not really executed? Was he still alive? He had to be he had to be he had to be he had to be-

She gripped his body tightly.

No response. 

She said his name, over and over, shaking him and trying to wake him. 

No response. 

She cried, tears falling onto his cheeks as she held to him for dear life.

No response. 

She bucked and thrashed as some of the men in suits pulled her from his corpse.

No response. 


 In the weeks after, Peko was inconsolable. Her whole life had been dedicated to Fuyuhiko- guarding him, always being at his side. The one mission she had been given by the Kuzuryuu clan, the one reason they took her in and raised her. 

And she had failed. 

She had failed in the worst way possible, because not only was he injured, but he was dead. It felt as though her life no longer had meaning. What was she supposed to do now? She had never considered a future without him in it, as she would have most readily died to protect him rather than let him come to harm. What was she supposed to do now?

Hours turned to days turned to weeks turned to months. She was like a zombie, mindlessly going from one day to the next. They all blended together- she had no concept of what day it currently was or how much time had passed. None of it mattered, anyways. She simply waited, day by day, for her own death. The one thing she loved to do most, swordfighting, now hurt to even consider. She had only become the SHSL swordfighter to protect him...any love she had for it died with him. 

The members of the future foundation who had taken her in were, understandably, worried about her mental state. She was deemed no longer a threat by Munakata so she was allowed to stay. He took a surprising personal interest in Peko, becoming more involved with her recovery than they thought he'd ever be. He checked in quite often with Naegi, probing him for details about her progress. 

This interest in Peko wasn't new, as most people had thought. Munakata is actually a very proficient swordfighter himself, so when the SHSL swordswoman started he made an effort to get to know her. They had trained together in a past life, before the tragedy. He saw her as a younger sister, a prodigy, even though she was significantly more skilled than he was. Her strong and silent nature mixed with a fierce loyalty reminded him of himself. 

So after months of no progress, Munakata made a personal visit to Peko. To see her in that state- hollow, depressed- it saddened him. So, he made her his personal project. To get her back on her feet, get her fighting spirit back. 

It started out slow, with him simply spending time trying to talk to her. She wasn't very responsive at first, but Munakata was a stubborn man. He eventually started chipping down at the walls she had surrounded herself with, getting her to open up to him bit by bit. Admittedly he wasn't an overly sensitive man, but being the SHSL Student Council President gave him good people skills. But his rougher nature probably helped a bit more than if he was overly sentimental, as it was more reminiscent of the deceased Yakuza she so desperately missed.

Most people had never expected Peko to recover, that one day they would find her dead in her room, perhaps of a broken heart. But they severely underestimated her. Deep down she wanted to live- both for herself and for Fuyuhiko. She knew that he wouldn't want her to just give up and perish, she just needed somebody to remind her of that. And so Munakata did. 

Over the next few months, she started to regain her strength. It was a long, arduous process, but Kyosuke never wanted to give up on her. One day, he decided to take the next step and brought her her sword to see if she'd be up to sparring with him. 

And, surprisingly to everybody, she took him up on the offer. Even while being incredibly rusty that fire was still there, and the experience of once again wielding her blade was so emotional that she broke down. She had cried many times over the months but this time felt different. Cathartic. She thought she would never pick up her sword again, thought it would be too painful to. But it felt good...it felt right. She had been born and raised to fight, and even though she had lost the battle for Fuyuhiko's life...

She was not going to lose the battle for her own.

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