Lone Survivor- Celestia Ludenberg

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A/N- Trigger warning for gore/violence, especially if you're sensitive to stuff w/eyes

A wicked smirk grew on Celeste's face as she watched the class vote for Yasuhiro. Her plan had worked like a charm, she had deceived them all. FINALLY, she would be able to escape this infernal place.

As they all gazed at her with heartbroken expressions, she did nothing more than smile sweetly and tilt her head at them.

"That is how you play the game, children. Do not take it personally, there can only be one winner, after all. If you are mad, take comfort in the fact that it will not last for long. Choose to be happy that I get to escape instead!" She folded her hands politely and spoke in a way that was eerily calm for the subject matter, sending shivers down the spines of her classmates. 

As they were taken to their ends she simply waved goodbye to them A happy expression adorned her face as she thought of her own future while the futures of all her "friends" were taken away. She felt no remorse- that was simply how it had to be. They were nothing more than stepping stones to her ultimate goal. 

After the deed was done she was handed her briefcase full of money and stood patiently at the door to the school. As much as she despised this place, she was glad she had been trapped here- not only did she get the funds she needed for her castle, but she also got to play a fun little game of chance.

She was able to prove even more to herself that she really was the ultimate gambler, in the ultimate game of life and death. 


The months post her release from Hope's Peak had been full of frustration. Upon finding the world in shambles on her escape, she realized her ultimate goal might be harder to fulfill. Even more so with the future foundation and their pursuit of her. 

They had wanted to take her in beforehand, but she declined and disappeared before they could apprehend her. She was unsure whether or not they wanted to perform some sort of arrest and punish her for what she did or simply take her in as a victim, but she didn't want to risk it. She wasn't going to let them stand in her way.

She traveled from city to city, visiting every underground gambling ring she could find. Even when the world was in the depths of despair, people still found time for their vices. Fine by her, even more people she could easily get money from. 

Along the way, she realized that she would not be able to obtain her European castle full of vampire butlers. It was what she had dreamed of for so long, yet it was now out of reach. But oddly...she didn't mind. She had her sights set on a new goal. 

The remnants of despair. 

Sure, vampires were alluring. But a group full of people so vile and dark that they plunged the whole world into its end intrigued her- especially after she bore witness to them for the first time. A menacing aura seemed to follow them, and she found it intoxicating. Their eyes were dark with malice, their actions lacking remorse. They were mesmerizing to watch in action, cutting through crowds mercilessly, slaughtering people left and right, mutilating their own bodies without thought. Those were the ones she wanted to be devoted to her. 

So once she got that first glimpse of them in person, she followed them as they made their way through the country. Wherever they went, she was close behind, stalking their every move. Formulating a plan for how to get them to obey her, and not whoever they were currently loyal to.

And while she thought she was stealthy in her actions, they did not go unnoticed. Somebody kept a watchful eye on her every move...somebody familiar. And one day, they decided to take action. 

While Celeste took careful watch of the remnants actions, they made their move. Sneaking up behind her, resting their arms softly around her neck.

"Celeste~ it's been so long." Celeste didn't even have to turn around to recognize the voice of Junko Enoshima. Frankly, she wasn't surprised to see her. She had soon learned after she left Hope's Peak that Junko was the mastermind behind the whole thing, and hadn't really died when they all thought. 

"Don't think I haven't seen you eyeing my minions. I can't say I blame you, they are quite the despairing bunch. It really gets your motor running, hmmmm~" 

"My apologies, Junko. I thought I had been more discreet than that. And your minions are very...impressive, to say the least." She gave her a knowing smile. Junko returned the sentiment, knowing exactly what Celeste wanted.

"Well then, since you've had your eyes on them for so long, maybe it's time you finally meet them face to face? It's bound to be better than sneaking after them like some sort of creep." 

Celeste's face lit up. Was she really going to be able to meet them? The ones she had been longing for? 

"How could I deny such a gracious offer, Junko." 

Junko stood up quickly, dragging Celeste along with her. She blew into a whistle, and all the remnants quickly followed and came to her side. They stood patiently, waiting for order. They were even more magnificent, even more horrifying up close. Wounds and scars visible, blood splattered over their clothes. 

"Ok my kiddies, I want to introduce you to somebody very special. This is Celestia! She was the winner of my little killing game that I put on, isn't that fab? A double murder too, you have to appreciate the effort, right?" There were various nods and sounds of approval from the group. Celeste felt her heart race from the validation. 

"And it seems like Mme.Murder over here has taken quite the interest in the lot of you! Can't say I blame her. You guys are all pretty hot when you let the despair take over you." 

Junko paused for a moment. She tapped her chin thoughtfully, her eyes shifting back from Celeste to the remnants, pondering what she was going to do next. Suddenly, it hit her. She realized what she needed. 

A new Mukuro. 

And Celeste fit the bill perfectly. 

"Now, Celeste, I have a proposition for ya. I just want you to take a look at this~" The quickly whipped out her phone, showing her the video that was used to brainwash the remnants and the world. Since Celeste was already teetering on that bridge, inching towards despair, she was easy to capture. 

"Okay! Perfect! Now listen here- Celeste is going to be my new Mukuro, okay loves? That means she's my second in command, my new sister. You'll all listen to her, got it?" The remnants all nodded in unison, bowing slightly to Celeste as a gesture of respect. 

"But....not before I put her through initiation! God it's the best part!" She drew a knife from her sleeve and held it towards Celeste. She didn't cut her herself, instead offering the knife to her. Celeste took it, and Junko whispered something into her ear. Celeste nodded. 

She held the knife up, showing it to everyone. In one swift motion she  stabbed out one eye, and then the other. Junko watched proudly as blood spewed from her eye sockets, with her screams of pain the perfect soundtrack. 

"That was for Hifumi and Kiyotaka...Y'know, an eye for an eye and all that."

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