Lone Survivor- Kaito Momota

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A/N: No, this doesn't end with him dying 5 minutes later anyways. I will say I considered it though but this was more fun. 

Kaito couldn't believe Kokichi's plan had actually worked. 

Everybody was convinced he was dead, and that Ouma was the one they were talking to. 

They had just voted for him. 

It was going to work out!

Monokuma wouldn't know who did it. 

They'll break the game from the inside out. 

"Oh no....it seems like you were all wrong in your voting! The blackened wasn't Kokichi Ouma, but rather Luminary of the Stars himself, Kaito Momota! Now, prepare yourselves for PUNISHMENT TIME!!!" 



Monokuma figured it out. 

He thought it was unsolvable. 

Where did he go wrong?

He had to get out and save everyone...




When Kaito awoke, he was alone in a hospital room. It was dark, with the moonlight peeking through the shutters and dancing along the bland, minimalist furniture. He looked to the side and noticed the tube attached to his arm, with an unknown liquid coursing into his veins. Whatever it was, it must have been helping, because Kaito had felt better than he had since before the killing game started. 

Well physically, that was.

Emotionally, he was a wreck. Soon as the memories came flooding back of the plan, how he had failed, how they all must be dead. He realized that he was the last one of his classmates left, he had won as the blackened and killed them all....wait.

Shouldn't he be the last one left alive, period? Didn't the world end? 

Well obviously not. He peered out the window and saw lights on the streets, people walking by, cars zooming past. The world hadn't ended...The world hadn't ended! He should be happy, relieved. Celebrating that maybe his family was still alive, the people he knew...but he couldn't be. Because all he could think of was the others. How he had killed them all...how they were all dead, even when there was a life on the outside for them to go back to. Instead of joy he felt guilt that was incredibly more immense than initially. Their families were out there, their friends...they could have made a life for themselves again, could have returned to the way things were, know that they weren't the last people alive. But they were never going to get that chance...

Because Kaito had taken it away from them. 

He shouted loudly and started to sob. He had promised that he would help everyone, get them out. He promised to save his two sidekicks, his best friends. It was why he teamed up with Ouma in the first place, to prevent Maki from becoming the blackened. To save her. But he failed, and to top it all of she probably died feeling resentful and betrayed by him, and he never got the chance to explain. 

While in the midst of his breakdown, he didn't notice somebody enter the room. It wasn't until they coughed lightly that he looked up at them. It was a nurse, looking quite confused. 

"Why are you crying Momota? You should be on top of the world! Your illness is cured, you won the season and made it one of the best yet! You should be rejoicing!"

Season? What season? Best yet? There had been more?

Kaito rapid-fired questions at the poor nurse, who had to try her best to explain the whole situation to him. That it was all a TV show, that he signed up for it, that he was just a character. And somehow, this situation that was already worse than he ever could have imagined, became even more horrible. 

The nurse eventually managed to weasel her way out of the room after her interrogation, leaving Kaito alone with his thoughts. He flipped the TV on and watched how many channels were talking about his win, how many were showing reruns and "best of" compilations. Anger started boiling up inside him. They were all ecstatic that his friends were dead. That he had succeeded as a murderer. He clenched his fists so hard that his nails punctured his skin, trails of blood dripping down his forearms. 

"Look at me now...blood on my hands in more ways than one."

He had to make this right.


 After his release from the hospital, Kaito scoured the internet for anybody he could find who opposed Team Danganronpa and what they were doing. They were few and far between, the show had really become a worldwide phenomenon. But there were people out there, and he found them. 

First it was Korekiyo's sister, then Kaede's. Eventually he found the other loved ones of his friends and got into contact with them. Understandably, most rejected speaking with him at first. But Kaito, being the man he was, convinced them to give him a chance. And they were all glad he did.

Eventually, with the money he had won from the show, he was able to set up an organization whose mission it was to stop the killing games once and for all. Kaito was the president, with his initial contacts serving as his council. As time went on and they produced more propaganda for their cause, people started to join from all over the world. The fact that somebody who had won the killing game was now speaking out against it moved a lot of people. He even got into contact with other past winners who agreed with his stance yet were too afraid to speak up. 

The movement became larger than anybody had ever anticipated- online petitions, protests, boycotts. The ratings on the next season plummeted lower than they ever had been. They had daily rallies in front of the dome proclaiming why it was all wrong, and held prayer sessions for the people inside to return safely. 

Kaito had never lived up to the name "luminary" more than the day Danganronpa was cancelled. Despite everything he had been through and all he had lost to get to this point, he still considered it a victory. What happened to him and his friends wouldn't happen to anybody else. That was the greatest thing he could have ever hoped to come from this. And while it would never bring his friends back, or make up for what he did to them, he hoped that they looked down on him with pride from wherever they were. 

And really, how could they not?

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