four: deception

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Lexi's POV

Ryan slid off the concrete wall he was sitting on and walked towards my car, followed by Gabe, as the teacher who was with them walked back inside the building. 

"I totally forgot Ryan, I'm sorry." I told him as they got in the backseat. 

"It's okay." He smiled, before continuing, "but wait until mom hears about this." He said.

"You wouldn't." I glared at him through the mirror. 

"Twenty bucks and I won't." He stated, as I took the car out of park and drove through the parking lot. 

"Fifteen." I said, glancing at him through the rear view mirror.

"Fine." He said, buckling his seat belt.

"Ryan, Gabe, this is Ethan." I introduced them, as this was the first time E and I have hung out besides at school. 

"Hey. Nice to meet you guys." Ethan said, turning to face the two. 

"Hi." Ryan said, a bit quietly. 

"Do you go to Lexi's school?" Gabe  asked. I've always thought Gabe was one of Ryan's nicest and best friends, so much that I'd almost rather him be my brother than Ryan. 

"Yeah, same grade too." Ethan answered.

"How do you guys know each other?" He then asked. Oh, that's one thing- he asks a lot of questions. 

"I transferred here and Lexi was one of the first people I met, and we just hit it off." Ethan said, as I glanced in the rear view mirror as I approached a stop sign. 

"Oh. Are you guys dating then?" The whole car ride, Ethan and I were bombarded with questions, until we finally got home and the two went upstairs to play video games. I walked into the kitchen followed by Ethan, as I held our H&M bags. 

"Hey mom." I said, as she looked up from her stack of paperwork she was doing.

"Oh hi honey." She looked at me and then at Ethan. 

"Hi Ethan, I'm Deborah." She smiled at him and shook his extended hand. 

"Hi, nice to meet you." He smiled back.

"We're gonna go upstairs and get ready for the party." I said, the words slipping out.

"Party?" She asked, her eyebrows raising.

"Birthday party. Markel's birthday party." Ethan said smoothly. 

"Oh." My mom nodded. We walked away, going up the stairs. 

"Too close Dolan." I elbowed him in the side as we walked into my room. I set the H&M bag down on the bed, pulling out tonight's outfits. 

"We have like two hours." Ethan stated, ripping the tags off his clothes, as I did the same.

"But people aren't gonna be showing up until like 7:30." I said, putting my hair into a messy bun. 

"I know but we might as well grab a bite to eat on the way and bring something to the party." He said. 

"We're underage Ethan." I sat down at my desk and looked at all my makeup organized on my desk. I picked up my bottle of foundation and my beauty blender.

"I already have the alcohol. I'm always one step ahead..." He smirked, taking off his t-shirt. I tried to focus on my makeup but kept glancing at his toned body through the mirror in front of me. 

"Like what you see?" Ethan laughed, as he threw on his new shirt and started buttoning it up from the bottom. I turned around and glared at him. 

"Oh calm down, I know you do." He said.

"You know she does what?" I suddenly heard from my doorway to see Ryan standing there, leaning against the wooden frame. 

"Jesus Christ Ryan, don't do that!" I said.

"Sorry." He mumbled. 

"What do you want?" I asked, picking up my contour brush and bronzer. 

"My fifteen bucks." He said. I sighed, getting up and walking over to my purse. I fished through my wallet until I found a ten and a five. 

"Here." I said, holding it out to him. 

"Thanks." He smiled, snatching it and walking away. 

"Anyways..." Ethan said, as I started to contour my face. 

"You can change in the bathroom." I told him, letting the fluffy brush sweep across the hollows beneath my cheekbones. 

"Okay." He said, taking his clothes with him and leaving my room, shutting the door behind him. I took the chance while he was gone to change also, setting my brush down and taking off my t-shirt and jeans. After a couple minutes and then walked over to my mirror.

"This is so not me... but I like it." I said out loud quietly, smiling at my reflection. Just then the door opened to reveal Ethan. 

"What should I do with my hair?" I asked out loud, returning to my desk. 

"I don't know, I'm not a girl!" Ethan answered, causing me to laugh.

"I wasn't asking you... I was just asking out loud. To... me." I stated. 

"Weirdo." He smiled.

"You're calling me a weirdo?" I looked at him, trying not to laugh. He put his hands up in defense. 

"I have an idea." He stated.

"And that is...?" I waited.

"We could just drop the subject and you could keep doing your makeup." He shrugged. 

"I could do yours too..." I smirked at him. 

"NO. No, you're not touching me with any of that stuff." He shook his head. I picked up my brush and put some more bronzer on it, before standing up and facing E.

"No." He looked at me. 

"Yes." I smiled. 

"No Lexi!" He said, backing up as I slowly walked towards him. 

"Yes Ethan!" I mimicked. I went to put the brush against his face when he reached out and grabbed my wrist. 

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, walking back to my desk as Ethan and I talked and I finished doing my makeup. I decided on straightening my hair, so I did that afterwards. 

"Ready to go?" I asked. 

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