seventeen: altercation

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Ethan's POV

I woke up naked with Lexi sleeping beside me. My alarm clock read 8:29 am. I quietly got up and threw on a pair of boxers and sweatpants and opened my door before walking downstairs. I was surprised when I walked into the kitchen to see Grayson making coffee.

"Morning." He said.

"Morning." I responded. "Where were you last night?" I asked, as I opened the fridge and took out the orange juice.

"I was home." He answered, and I sighed.

"You were?" I asked.

"Yeah. You two weren't very quiet. Not what I wanted to hear as I was trying to sleep." He said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. It's not like I haven't heard you and Madisyn before." I laughed.

"Anyways..." He said, his face turning red. "I'm going out with Mason and Parker now, so you have the house to yourself."

"Okay." I answered as I took out the carton of eggs and a frying pan. I heard the front door close and I unlocked my phone, clicking on Spotify. I shuffled my main playlist and "Disciples" by Tame Impala started to play. I set my phone down and returned to making breakfast. I cracked the eggs and dropped them into the pan, getting a satisfying sizzle in return. I took out a loaf of bread and dropped a few pieces into the toaster. 

"It feels like I only go backwards baby, every part of me says go ahead." I hummed along to the music as I cut up strawberries. I put them onto the two plates that were on the counter that also had the fried eggs and toast. I heard footsteps and turned around to see Lexi walk into the kitchen wearing one of my long sleeve shirts. It was practically a dress on her. 

"Good morning." She smiled. 

"Morning. I was just gonna bring this up." I said, handing her one of the plates. She leaned up and kissed my cheek. 

"Thanks babe." She responded. We sat down at the kitchen table and started to eat breakfast. 

"Do you have to go home at a certain time today?" I asked, as it was only Saturday and I didn't have any plans. 

"Nope, I don't think so." She shook her head. 

"Ok good." I smiled. My phone vibrated on the wooden table and I looked to see a text from Grayson. 

gray: mason is having a huge party tonight and you and lexi are invited, if you wanna come. 

"Mason is having a party tonight. Do you wanna go?" I asked her. 

"Yes! He always has the best parties. I bet most of the school is going." She excitedly said. 

I started to text Grayson back,

me: we'll be there...

and pressed send. 


"You ready to go?" I asked, walking into the bathroom where Lexi was getting ready. Her hair was straightened and she was putting on mascara when I walked in. 

"Yeah." She nodded, looking at me through the mirror as she tossed her makeup back into the bag on the counter. She was wearing a yellow tshirt with a pair of black shorts and checkered Vans. 

"Are you wearing your swimsuit underneath?" I asked, as Mason's family had a beach house and that's where the party is. 

"Yeah, I am." She said, as we walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs. 

"Who's gonna be the designated driver?" She asked as we walked out the front door. 

"Grayson." I told her just as he pulled into the driveway, almost as if on cue. We got in the car and after a fifteen minute drive, arrived at a massive house with dozens of cars parked in front. 

"Come find me when you're ready to go." Grayson said to us as he went to go find his friends. We walked inside and went straight to the kitchen, where bottles covered the countertops. Some girl was mixing up drinks for people. She looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to her face. She smiled as she handed us each a cup. 

We drank our first drinks pretty quickly before we went into the living room where everyone was dancing. "Champagne & Sunshine" started to play and everyone was singing along, having a great time. 

"All I want is champagne and sunshine, looking for a good time. Sippin on the stars as we laying under sunlight."

We sang along as we danced in the crowd of sweaty bodies. 

Lexi's POV

"Do you wanna go swimming?" Ethan asked over the music as I had a new drink in my hand. 

"Sure." I yelled back and it was weird because I could barely hear my own voice. We made our way outside where there was a bonfire on the beach, the dark ocean behind. It was now dark out and I looked at my phone, surprised to see that it was now 10:00 pm. There was a speaker set up outside with music playing loudly, people standing around drinking, smoking, and making smores. We found a place to put our stuff. I kicked my shoes off and stripped out of my tshirt and shorts, leaving me in my neon pink bikini. I took one more sip of my drink before setting it down on the sand with the rest of our belongings. 

"Last one in the water is a rotten egg." Ethan said before running towards the water. 

"Hey that's not fair!" I said, running after him. The water felt warmer than I expected, as it was the ocean. 

"I won." Ethan smugly said. 

"Yeah I know." I laughed as I swam over to him. He grabbed my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me up. 

"I love you." I giggled as he kissed my cheek. 

"I love you too." He said back. 

We swam around for awhile, but it started to cool off pretty quickly. We got out of the water and walked over to our stuff. I put on my shorts but decided to wait for my swimsuit to dry off a bit before putting on my t-shirt. I saw someone coming towards us and he looked too familiar. 

"Hey." Spencer called out. He was drunk. But I can't really say anything, as I've also had numerous drinks. 

"Hi..." I said back. 

"I just wanted to apologize." He slurred. 

"For what?" I asked, feeling the cold, damp sand between my toes. 

"I've been a jerk to you and I don't even have a good reason for it." He said, getting closer to me. I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling slightly uncomfortable for some reason. We used to be best friends, it's not like he hasn't seen me in a swimsuit before. 

"Uh, it's fine." I responded, glancing over at Ethan. 

"Do you forgive me?" He asked with puppy dog eyes, one of his hands going to my waist. 

"Spencer stop." I said, trying to get out of his grasp but he held onto me. All of a sudden Ethan shoved him off of me. 

"She said stop." Ethan said, his jaw clenched. 

"Awe, your new best friend is gonna protect you." Spencer teased. He lunged at Ethan who easily pushed him off onto the ground. Spencer tried to hit Ethan, but Ethan was on top of him and punched him right in the jaw. Everything happened so fast. 

"Ethan!" I yelled once I realized what was happening. Ethan his Spencer again before getting up. Spencer quickly got up off the ground and put his hand to his jaw. His left eye was also red, and there would definitely be a black eye in the morning. 

"I'm actually her boyfriend." Ethan said, grabbing my hand and holding it tightly. 

"Shit..." Spencer muttered before stumbling away. 

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