nine: milkshakes

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Ethan's POV

"Grayson!" I yelled from my room as I looked in the mirror. 

"Yeah?" He answered, appearing in my doorway.

"Do I look okay?" I asked him. I decided on a red and black flannel and black skinny jeans. Grayson looked at me. 

"Yeah. You should wear your black Converse." He said nodding.

"Okay. Thanks man." I said, walking back into my closet and grabbing the shoes. 

"I know I always give you heck about Lexi and I never really mean it, but just have fun tonight."  He said to me. 

"Have fun with Madisyn. But not too much fun." I told him as I finished tying my shoes. 

"I can't promise anything." He said, putting his hands up and walking out of my room to go get himself ready. I put my wallet in my back pocket and made sure I had my phone before walking downstairs and grabbing my car keys from a hook as I went out the front door. 

I got in the car and put the key in, starting it, then unlocking my phone and clicking on iMessages. 

Lexi's POV

I was looking in the mirror at my outfit when I got a text.

Ethan Grant: hey im leaving the house, i'll be there in around ten :)

I quickly began to type my reply.

Me: okay :) see ya soon E

I tossed my phone onto my bed as I looked in the mirror again. I was wearing my favorite black ripped skinny jeans and my checkered black and white Vans, but I couldn't decide what shirt to wear. I'd already tried on like four different shirts. I walked over to my closet and pulled a white tshirt with a small pocket on it off its hanger. I put it on and stepped in front of my mirror. 

"That's more like it." I said out loud, finally happy with how I looked. I had curled my hair and was wearing a simple gold choker with tiny gold stars dangling from it. I grabbed my purse and and phone off my bed and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where my parents and Ryan were waiting for some kind of dessert that was in the oven to finish baking. 

"Sweetie, where are you going? And don't you want something to eat?" My mom asked, noticing my purse and that I had my shoes on. 

"Ethan's picking me up." I told her, looking at my reflection in the dining room mirror. 

"OH... that's great." She smiled. 

"Yeah, that's great honey." My dad chimed in. I didn't feel like having to explain to them for the millionth time that Ethan and I aren't an item. 

"Yeah." I simply replied. I glanced at the time, noticing that it had already been ten minutes since Ethan texted me. 

"Well you look nice." My mom commented. 

"Thanks mom." I smiled. 

"Where are you guys gonna go?" Ryan asked me. I turned to face him. 

"I really don't know, Ethan didn't tell me." I truthfully said when I was interrupted by my phone. I looked down to see another text from Ethan. 

Ethan Grant: im here!

"He's here, I better go." I said, slipping my phone in my purse. 

"Have fun!" Ryan called as I opened the front door. 

"I will!" I called back, shutting the door behind me and seeing Ethan leaning against his car waiting for me. He looked me up and down. 

"I like your jeans." I said, walking towards him, as the jeans he was wearing were very similar to mine if not identical. He laughed, in response to my comment.

"I really like yours too." He told me. 

"You look good." He said, as I hugged him. I felt myself blush, but it wasn't noticeable as I was wearing makeup for once, however not much of it.

"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself Dolan." I smiled, as he let go of me. 

"You could thank Grayson for that." He answered, as we both got in the car. We just talked as Ethan drove us to wherever we were going. Apparently he had to talk to his math teacher after school, which I found slightly surprising as Ethan was a good student. I hadn't noticed we arrived until Ethan shut the car off. I looked out the window and saw that we were at 'Delilah's Diner', a place I've never been before. We got out of the car and walked inside and it was almost as if we'd stepped into the sixties; checkered tile floor, red leather seats and booths, neon signs and turquoise paint.

"Ethan this is so cool." I whispered, looking around as we waited behind the woman in line before us. 

"Right? What do you want to eat?" He changed the subject. I looked up at the menu. 

"A strawberry milkshake and a classic cheeseburger." I told him as we stepped up to the counter to order. 

"Hi, what can I get for you?" The boy behind the cash register asked, looking at Ethan and then at me. We made eye contact for a second before I looked away. 

"Two strawberry milkshakes, a classic and a deluxe, and an order of fries please." Ethan said, taking out his wallet. 

"That'll be $17.86." He took Ethan's debit card. 

"It'll just be a few minutes." He told us, now looking at me again. Ethan noticed and intertwined his hand in mine as we walked to the left side of the counter to wait for our food, but I left my hand in his, not bothered by it at all. 

"Where do you wanna sit?" Ethan asked, looking around at the mostly-empty diner. 

"At a booth." I smiled, recognizing the song that was playing quietly. I hummed along quietly. 

"I'll never get tired of this song." I sighed, referring to 'Can't Help Falling in Love' by the one and only Elvis Presley. 

"Here you go." The boy said, returning with a plastic red tray with our order on it. Ethan let go of my hand to carry our food and we walked over to an empty booth. I took one of the milkshakes and my burger, as did Ethan, before placing the fries between us. 

"Happy Valentine's Day." Ethan said, raising his milkshake glass. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, E." I smiled, as our glasses quietly clinked. 


i was excited about this chapter 


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