twenty: family

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Lexi's POV

One Week Later- Monday

Ethan and I have been thinking about moving in together sometime after graduation, since that's the only way my dad will let me see him- if I'm not living under his roof. We were going to look at apartments later this week. I continued to copy down the notes as I sat in Psychology, glancing at the clock and seeing there was only twenty minutes left.

"Aristotle wrote that 'often when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what then presents itself is but a dream'." My teacher read from the textbook. She had just turned the page when someone came into the room with a small note. They handed it to the teacher before leaving.

"Lexi." She said out loud, catching me by surprise, dropping the note on my desk. Why was I wanted in the Principal's office? I didn't do anything wrong, at least I didn't think so. I stood up, slipping my phone in my back pocket and walking out of the classroom. I went down the stairs and to the doors near the front entrance of the school. I opened the door and walked inside, where I was greeted by the secretary, Mary. 

"Hey hun, how are ya?" She asked. 

"I'm okay. How about yourself?" I asked in response. 

"I'm good." She smiled. I walked around the corner to where Ms. Oakford was sitting in her office, the door wide open. She looked up when she heard me walking down the hall. 

"Lexi, come in." She said, as I did what said and stepped into the room. I sat down at one of the chairs across from her. The only thing I could think of that would get me in trouble is her finding out about the party last weekend. 

"You're not in trouble." She reached in her desk and grabbed a large yellow envelope. 

"I received this from Columbia University, it's addressed to you." She smiled at me. 

"Columbia?" I asked in disbelief.


"I don't wanna go to college! I wanna travel, that's why I've been saving money for the past three years!" I said in frustration. 

"And what if that doesn't work out?" My mom asked. 

"Then I'll get a real job. Please. It's my life." I said. 

"Honey. Just apply to one school, please? That's all I'm asking. One school. I don't even care which one." She sighed. I looked at her. 

"Fine. One. That's it." I rolled my eyes, before going up to my room.


I had applied there because my parents wanted me to have another option. Just in case. And I had honestly forgotten about it until now. I took the envelope she was holding out to me. 

"Thank you." I said, before getting up and leaving. I went back up to class and shoved the envelope in my backpack. 

"So based on our knowledge of how dreams work and what happens in the brain during sleep, what is the story behind lucid dreams? How do they work?" My teacher asked the class. I raised my hand, something I rarely do in this class. 

"Lexi." She smiled. 

"It's the phenomenon where you have the realization that you're dreaming, giving you the ability to control your dream. You can fly, you can run faster than the speed of light, hang out with anyone- the possibilities are endless. You can do pretty much whatever you want in these dreams, which is why they can actually be dangerous if they happen too much." I said, and when I realized most of the class was looking at me, sank lower into my seat. 

"Very good. Seems like you've had some experience with them." My teacher nodded. 

After a couple minutes, the bell rang and I walked out of class towards Ethan's locker, where we meet everyday. 

"Hey." He said, appearing beside me. He twisted his lock and the door popped open. 

"Are you free tomorrow for us to look at apartments?" I asked, as Ethan put his textbooks away. 

"Yeah, I think so." He nodded. We started walking out of school. He was quiet, which isn't usual for him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, just kinda stressed about finals in a couple weeks. I can't walk at graduation if I don't pass Precalculus." He sighed. 

"I can help you." I said out loud before thinking. 

"And how are you gonna do that?" He playfully rolled his eyes. My dad wouldn't be letting Ethan in the house as long as I lived there, which was mostly the reason for Ethan and I looking at apartments. 

"We'll find a way." I reassured him, leaning up and kissing his cheek. We walked through the parking lot until we reached my car. 

"Text me later, baby." Ethan said, hugging me and planting a kiss on my forehead before I got in my car. I drove home listening to LANY and went up to my room when I got home. I sat down on my bed with the intent to do homework, but layed down with my phone in my hand. 

'To Mom: Can Ethan come over to study tomorrow? He needs my help.' I pressed send and then closed my eyes for a few seconds. 

"Lexi?" I heard and opened my eyes to see my dad standing in the doorway. "Do you want dinner?" 

Dinner? I looked at my clock to see that it was after seven o'clock now. Shit. 

"I didn't realize I fell asleep." I sat up and was about to get up and go downstairs when my dad spoke. 

"Also... I know I said you're not allowed to hang out with Ethan, but yes, he can come over tomorrow to study." He emphasized the last word. 

"Ok, thanks." I smiled before we both went downstairs. 

"Mom made spaghetti and garlic bread!" Ryan excitedly said when I walked into the kitchen. I helped my mom set the dining room table, something we haven't done in awhile. We all sat down for dinner and talked. And for once it felt like a real family dinner. 

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